- to hold one's head up 抬起頭
- A tool used to hold one end of a rivet while the opposite end is being hammered to form a head. 鉚頂棍用來夾住鉚釘的一頭,另一頭被敲成釘頭
- A mark of true nobility is,not to hold one's head high,but to bear one's self humbly in a high station of life. 真正高貴的標誌並不是趾高氣揚,而是身居高位而謙虛謹慎。
- A mark of true nobility is, not to hold one's head high, but to bear one's self humbly in a high station of life. 真正高貴的標誌並不是趾高氣揚,而是身居高位而謙虛謹慎。
- A mark of true nobility is,not to hold one's head high,but to bear oneself humbly in high station of life. 直正的高貴的標誌並不是趾高氣昴;面是身居高們需謙虛謹慎.
- Use only for a child who is able to hold head up unassisted and who is not able to climb out or walk. 如果會爬會走就不行的話,我家現在買就不合適了,我就打消了念頭,是不是我理解錯了?我還是非常喜歡熱帶雨林系列的。剛買了音樂盒。
- Dozen head on walked along one counterjumper to hold one full basin bean curd in the arms. 打迎面兒走來一夥計抱了一滿盆豆腐。
- It's so small, cool and comforting in the hand that to hold one is to want one. 又小又酷,手感又好,真是讓人愛不釋手。
- Hold your head up because you have every right to. 昂起你的頭,因為你有充分的權利去正視一切。
- One of my jobs at the newspaper office was to head up the page before it was printed. 我在報社有一項工作是報紙付印前給版面上加標題。
- The underpinnings were not adequate to hold the house up. 屋基不足以承受住這所房子的壓力。
- Managed to hold up under the daily stress. 想辦法應付每天的生活壓力
- A mark of true nobility is,not to hold one's bead high,but to bear oneself humbly in a high station of life. 真正高貴的標誌並不是趾高氣揚,而是身居高位而謙虛謹慎。
- Let 's head back to the intersection. 我們開回到那個交叉路口去。
- Old Clubfoot wrenched the bull』s head to the side. 舊馬蹄扳牛市的頭部至一邊。
- If we older comrades,myself included,fail to do this well,we won't be able to hold our heads up. 我們這些老同志,包括我在內,要是辦不好這件事,交不了帳就是了。
- Now if you happen to hold one of the above responses,let me say that you are only half-right. 以上的任何一條如果就是你的答案,那讓我告訴你,你只對了一半。
- Sam : Let』s head to Main Beach at East Hampton. 山姆 :我們去東漢普敦的大海灘吧。
- To hold one's breathThe audience held their breaths at the thrilling story. 觀眾聽著驚險故事都屏住了呼吸。
- I decided to hold up on the news until he was sure of it. 我決定暫緩發布消息,直到我確信準確無誤。