- It's one thing to flourish and another to fight. 舞劍是一回事,戰鬥是另一回事。
- The payment of zakah is a way of purifying one』s wealth. 支付天課是凈化人的財富的一種方式。
- Our business seemed to flourish. 我們在生意看上去很興隆。
- Their business seemed to flourish. 他們的生意似乎很興盛。
- In many sectors, corruption began to flourish. 在很多部門,腐敗開始盛行
- to flourish one's wealth 炫耀財富
- Her career continues to flourish. 她的事業繼續蓬勃發展。
- At all levels of education to flourish. 各級各類教育事業蓬勃發展。
- The goal of bribery is to attain privileged positions that increase one' s wealth, influence, and power. 賄賂的目的是得到可以增加財富、影響力和權力的特權職位。
- BABS (OVERLAPPING):Genius needs room to flourish! 天才都需要展示才華的空間。
- No village on the railroad failed to flourish. 展得好,昌盛,茂盛,繁榮,興旺發達
- Zakah is a portion of one』s wealth that must be given to the poor or to other specified causes. 天課(宰卡特)是人的財富的一部分,它必須給予情人或者其他特殊的事業。
- His family 's wealth had always cushioned him against failure . 他家族的財富總能為他的失敗緩衝一下。
- Zakah means the giving of a specific share of one』s wealth and savings to persons or causes that Allah (God) mentions in the Qur』an. 天課意味著一個分享某人財富的特殊禮物,是安拉在古蘭經中提到的對人或事業的救助。
- Spread across 8,000 acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Biltmore Estate reflects one man』s wealth and another man』s genius. 佔地8000英畝的畢爾特摩爾莊園坐落在藍脊山脈,它反映了一位巨子的財富和另一智者的非凡天賦。
- This will be one of the chief signs that our cause continues to flourish. 這是我們事業興旺發達的重要標誌之一。
- The policy is designed to enable socialist culture to flourish. 「雙百」方針的目的是促進社會主義文化的繁榮。
- If allowed to flourish, this experiment could have been important. 如果允許蓬勃發展,這種試驗也許會還有點用。
- The desire in last period of Middle Ages was legendarily manifested by Khan"s wealth. 中世紀晚期的世俗慾望在大汗的財富中得到傳奇般映現。
- This dear little naked mendicant pretends to be utterly helpless,so that he may beg for mother』s wealth of love. 這個愛赤裸著身體的小乞兒,假裝完全無助的模樣,是想要乞求媽媽滿溢的愛。