- Meanwhile, will Russia, having surprised us with 2008』s brief war with Georgia, continue to flex its muscles, conceivably by annexing Crimea? 與此同時,俄羅斯繼在2008年對喬治亞發動了一場驚人的閃擊戰之後,會不會繼續舒展筋骨,把克里米亞也納入版圖?
- He danced up and down to flex his body. 他不斷地舞動,扭動著他的身體。
- It knew America was impatient for results and wanted to flex its muscles. 而美國則對決議毫無耐心準備放開手腳大幹一番。
- The tendon had been so skillfully grafted in that the boy was able to flex his finger quite normally after four weeks. 腱的接合手術做得非常高明,那個男孩在四個星期之後,就能相當正常地伸屈他的手指了。
- to flex one's muscles 顯示力量
- In the days of the cold war a weakened president might have emboldened other big powers to flex their muscles. 在冷戰時代,總統被削弱了,他還能給同陣營中的其他大國壯膽,幫助他們展現實力。
- He assures me that the knack is to flex the muscles on the side of your cheeks, hard. 他斷言,真心微笑的訣竅就是用勁收縮臉頰兩側的肌肉。
- Aries dads like action-oriented contests of any sort, and they often show their affection by urging you to flex your own competitive muscles. 白羊座的爸爸喜歡任何形式的運動比賽,並且他們顯示出自己的感情來促使你**你有競爭力的肌肉。
- stretch oneself; flex one's limbs; relax one's muscles 舒散一下筋骨
- In this moment of the season it is important to have a player with Marek』s muscles and smart moves at the service of Milan. 在本賽的這個時刻,擁有一個像揚庫洛夫斯基一樣在為米蘭踢球時充滿力量並且很跑位敏捷的球員是很重要的。
- Camaro Z28 1971 from an original watercolour by David Irving, this limited edition print of 250 presents one of the more collectable 1970's muscle cars. 卡瑪洛Z28 1971年從原來水彩畫的大衛歐文,這個限量印刷250提出一個比較1970年收取的肌肉車。
- ONCE every few years, it seems, the European Commission likes to flex its muscles by going head to head with the toughest, most uncompromising American chief executive it can find. 歐盟委員會似乎喜歡每幾年就要與美國最強硬最頑固的主席執行官正面交鋒一次,並大展拳腳。
- Instruct the client to flex his neck, tilting his chin toward his chest. 讓病人低頭,下巴靠近胸部。
- In one experiment, Libet documented a gap between the time an individual was conscious of the decision to flex his finger( and recorded the exact moment of that consciousness) and the time his brain waves indicated that a flex was imminent. 利貝特在一個實驗中發現,受測者意識到決心彎曲手指的時間(且記錄到意識的那一刻)與腦波顯示手指即將彎曲的時間,兩者之間有一個時間差。
- flex one's knee, toes, muscles, etc 曲膝、 活動腳趾、 活動肌肉.
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一個或少一個對我是無關緊要的。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 沒人敢對不公正行為表示公開反對。
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不準不按次序買票。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不應限制在任何特定的年齡組上。
- Ask the client to flex his knees, if possible, bringing his feet as close to his buttocks as possible. 可能時要求病人屈膝,將腳盡量靠近臀部。