- The bomb was timed to explode during the rush-hour. 炸彈選在人最多時爆炸。
- If the hydrogen is ignited it is likely to explode. 如果氫被點燃,它就可能爆炸。
- That old boy is going to explode soon. 老傢伙馬上就要氣炸了。
- The bomb was primed, ready to explode. 炸彈已準備好,可隨時引爆。
- Edge were restricted to wait is going to explode. 邊緣都是禁區,挨到會爆炸。
- How to explode the perceived value of your offers! 如何引爆的知覺價值,你優惠!
- To explode in silence, or to die in it. 不在沉默中爆發,就在沉默中死亡.
- He carries explosives and wants to explode them. 他身上有炸藥,準備搞爆炸。
- Lionel: Easy kid. You are going to explode. 雷利:別激動,你快要爆炸了。
- A blow against his head made it seem to explode. 他的腦袋上挨了一下,痛得像要炸裂開一樣。
- Most of the grenades failed to explode. 那些手榴彈大部分沒有爆炸。
- Are you about to explode with excitement? 你們是不是將要興奮起來呢?
- Columbus helped to explode the theory that the earth was flat . 哥倫布促使打破地球是平的的理論。
- An extinct volcano has ceased to be able to explode. 死火山已失去爆發能力。
- The shell can be timed to explode after a short delay. 子彈可加以定時,使其在短暫延時后爆炸。
- Columbus helped to explode the theory that the earth is flat. 哥侖布促使打破地球是平的的理論。
- They show some level of activity and are likely to explode again. 這些火山表現出不同程度的活躍,並且有可能再次爆發。
- AIDS is about to explode in the world's most populous nations. 愛滋病將在全球人口最多的國家爆發。
- If the hydrogen is ignited,it is likely to explode . 如果氫被點燃,它就可能爆炸。
- Almost on queue, the entire class seemed to explode with laughter. 全班同學一陣驚呼,隨即是哄堂大笑!