- We'll have to chance meeting an enemy patrol. 我們不得不冒著可能遇上敵人巡邏兵的危險。
- If you are never willing to chance your arm, but always play for safety, you will not very far. 如果你根本不願冒險,總是求四平八穩,你就不會獲得得很大成功。
- The sportsman' s arm is never free from pain. 這個運動員一直在遭受手臂疼痛的痛苦。
- We' ll have to chance meeting an enemy patrol. 我們不得不冒著可能遇上敵人巡邏兵的危險.
- She pressed her friend 's arm tightly. 她緊緊握住朋友的手臂
- I don't want to leave things to chance. 我不願意讓事情任其發展。
- Mary 's arm pillowed the baby 's head . 嬰兒枕在瑪麗的臂上。
- Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance. 無論發生什麼,我願意用一切做賭注。
- The child griped his mother』s arm. 這個孩子緊握者他媽媽的手臂。
- Decisions are too important to leave to chance. 面臨機會,決策如此重要。
- In the experiment, we leave nothing to chance. 做實驗時,我們絕不靠碰運氣。
- He likes to leave things to chance. 他喜歡聽天由命。
- Anything prior to that is left up to chance. 在事情完成之前都留有偶然的因素。
- They try their best to leave nothing to chance. 他們盡最大努力不留漏洞。
- She left nothing to chance and got fully prepared. 她做好充分準備, 不留漏洞。
- The entrance opened: BlueBeard caught Fatima』s arm. 門打開了,藍鬍子抓住法蒂瑪的胳膊。
- Photography is an ambiguous challenge to chance. 攝影是對機會的一種不明確的挑戰。
- to chance one's arm 冒險一試
- The doctor resolved to chance his arm and try to write a book on medicine. 這醫生決定碰碰運氣,試著寫一本關於醫藥的書。
- Sheva had a great chance one v one with the goalkeeper, and Didier could have scored with his first touch. 舍瓦有一個和門將一對一的機會,而迪迪爾(德羅巴)本該在第一次觸球時就進球。」