- A. To broaden the bandwidth of the network. 為了延伸本網路的頻寬。
- It is time to broaden the dialogue. 現在是擴大對話的時候了。
- The workmen dug down the wall in order to broaden the road. 工人們掘倒了那堵牆,以便擴寬路面。
- To develop good interpersonal relationships, one needs to broaden the mind, and be more affable and tolerant. 若希望人際關係相處得好,就要把心量放大,多接納人,多包容人。
- Lord Turner also spelled out the FSA's intention to broaden the scope of regulation to include hedge funds and other entities that posed systemic risks. 特納勛爵還詳細說明了FSA擴大監管範圍的計劃,將把對沖基金以及其它導致系統風險的實體機構納入其中。
- It is our company's aim to broaden the range of services continually. 不斷地擴大服務領域,是本公司的目標。
- The farmers planed to broaden out the river . 農民們計劃加寬這條河。
- Furthermore, the reform leads to broaden the management right, to fulfill disposition right and to ensure usufruct. 並且進一步拓寬了經營管理權,完善了處置權並確保收益權。
- The two sides agreed that it is desirable to broaden the understanding between the two peoples. 雙方同意,擴大兩國人民之間的了解是可取的。
- In the user』s mind it is a simple command. 這樣的愚蠢問題,在用戶心中這是一個簡單的命令。
- My effort to broaden the President's choices involved unusual bureaucratic difficulties. 我努力讓總統有更大的選擇餘地,這在官僚機構中碰到了非凡的困難。
- English grammar tasked the boy' s mind. 英文語法使那男孩大傷腦筋。
- When at attention, level with the top of skull and brought forward, appearing to broaden the skull. 當警戒時,耳朵前傾,向頭頂提起。
- CUHK provides overseas internship opportunities to broaden the horizons of its students. 中大為同學提供海外實習培訓的機會,培育同學的國際視野。
- Siva?In Zhuo\'s mind,the only god is his own power. )在卓王孫的心中,唯一的神就是他自己的力量。
- Last year the highway was redesigned to broaden the curves and improve roadway visibility. 去年,該公路重新設計拓寬了彎道,並提高了路面能見度。
- But the one-pound pygmies couldn't make healthy babies, so Idaho relatives were imported to broaden the gene pool. 但是,一磅重的侏儒兔沒法產下健康的小兔子,所以愛達荷州同屬兔子被引進以擴大基因庫。
- Our country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations. 我國一直在努力擴大與其他國家的貿易往來。
- Odai also warned that a U.S.-led attack will force Iraq to broaden the war against the United States. 烏代同時警告,以美國為首的襲擊將擴大伊拉克對美國的戰爭。
- The method of improving the feed network is to broaden the bandwidth of the microstrip patch arrays principally. 天線陣主要採用改進饋電網路的方法來展寬頻帶。