- The babe was a wonder to behold. 這個嬰孩看上去令人稱奇。
- We got up early to behold the sunrise. 我們早起觀看了日出。
- The Cornwall coast was a pitiful sight to behold. 康沃爾一帶海岸讓人觸景生情,十分惋惜。
- As for Fantine, she was a joy to behold. 至於芳汀,她就是歡樂。
- Their smiling faces were beautiful to behold. 他們的笑臉看起來是那麼的美麗。
- A monstrosity too horrible to behold! 不可目視的怪物!
- It was terrible to behold and it is horrible to relate. 那模樣看著實在怕人,說起來也使人不寒而慄。
- He saw that which it was repugnant to him to behold. 他見到了他所不願見到的事。
- Uther and his paladins were truly a sight to behold. 烏瑟爾和他的聖騎士團是戰場上令人矚目的。
- The internal structure of the Department is wondrous to behold. 看一下國務院的內部結構是很有意思的。
- The campers stayed up late to behold the beauty of the stars. 露營者留到深夜以觀看繁星的美麗景象。
- The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold. 這些小螞蟻很勤奮;看起來多奇妙.
- The retribution of a Kingsguard is a frightening thing to behold. 身為御林鐵衛的缺點就是處處令人畏懼。
- The ebb and flow of the sea is certainly a sight to behold. 海潮的漲落確實是個奇觀。
- The sunrise at the seaside was quite a sight to behold. 海濱日出真是個奇景。
- It is a pleasant thing to behold the tameness of animals. 看見一頭馴服的野獸是一件有趣的事。
- To behold a rift in the immense blue pane of the firmament! 在無邊無際的象碧色玻璃的蒼穹上看到了一條裂痕!
- Who humbles Himself to behold The heavens and the earth? 6降卑自己,觀看天上地上的事。
- A scene I am unaccustomed to behold in this lonely season. 有些不習慣冷清時節里這樣的風景。
- And how mild he is,and dear,and gentle to behold,and no whit like other bulls! 它多麼馴服、可愛,看上去是那麼溫順,和別的牡牛完全不同!