- To be responsible for achieving the sales target. 完成銷售額。
- Seems to be responsible for the system instability. 似乎造成了系統的不穩定。
- You will have to be responsible for what you said. 你要對你所說的負責。
- To be responsible for guarding(an opponent). 負責防守負責盯住(某個對手)
- You are supposed to be responsible for them. 你是應當對他們負責的。
- To be responsible for rendering good services to customers. 14負責向客戶提供優質服務。
- To be responsible for the HR & Adm. aspect foundation work. 負責人事行政方面基礎工作。
- To be responsible for the EBIT and P/A of the responsible products. 負責所管轄產品的稅前利潤和損益情況。
- He is too young to be responsible for such an important task. 他太年輕了,不能負責這樣重要的工作。
- They all desire you to be responsible for the project. 他們都想讓你負責這個工程。
- To be responsible for the contract negotiation and signing. 負責合同的談判與簽訂。
- Now the nation seems to be responsible for having to pay them back. 現在,這個國家似乎要承擔責任,不得不償還這些錢。」
- To be responsible for ECN development, revision, issue, register. 負責工程修改通知單的起草,審批,發放,登記的工作。
- To be responsible for the overall Gross Operating Profit for each show. 負責達到每個展的毛利率目標。
- Responsible for spend cable to be safe store. 負責店內的用電安全。
- To be a man is, precisely, to be responsible. 人應該有責任性。
- I'm the only one that has to be responsible? 我是唯一一個要負責任的?
- To be responsible to handle all RGBS. 負責售前退貨的處理工作。
- I should like to get rid of the responsibility for this job, but there doesn't seem to be anyone fit to hand over to. 我真想擺脫對這項工作的責任,但是看來沒有合適的人可以交出去。
- Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand. 公司必須對顧客的需求作出積極反應。