- Land will continue to appreciate. 土地將繼續增值。
- It's hard to appreciate the full horror of life in a prison camp. 戰俘營中駭人聽聞的生活慘狀外人是很難完全體驗到的。
- He is too superficial to appreciate great literature like this. 他太膚淺,無法欣賞這類文學巨著。
- You're too superficial to appreciate great literature like this. 你沒有鑽勁,無法欣賞這類文學巨著。
- At last people began to appreciate him. 最後人們開始看到他的長處。
- If one has an open mind, it is easy to appreciate another's point of view. 如果一個人思想開放,就不難接受他人的觀點。
- I began to appreciate what Rinaldo had done. 我逐漸對里納爾的做法欽佩起來。
- You aren't ready to appreciate this lesson yet. 你目前還沒有接受教訓的意思。
- That he failed to appreciate me made me sore. 他以我並不賞識。這使我感到痛心。
- It is not easy to appreciate that symphony. 這首交響樂不太好欣賞。
- You don't seem to appreciate how busy I am. 你似乎不能體念我多麼忙。
- He stepped back to appreciate the painting. 他退後了幾步欣賞這幅畫。
- The fiddler paused to appreciate his wit. 拉琴人停了一下,對自己的妙語頗為得意。
- It's authentically worthwhile to appreciate it. 非常值得欣賞一番。
- They came to appreciate simple rural life. 他們愛上了淳樸的農村生活。
- Wives Learn to Appreciate the Game Their Men Adore. 妻子們也逐步學會欣賞男人們所鍾愛的比賽。
- How to appreciate Chinese Calligraphy? 中國書法?
- I fail to appreciate your meaning. 我不懂你的意思。
- Alf doesn't know how to appreciate favours. 阿爾夫此人不識抬舉。
- He knows how to appreciate poetry. 他知道如何來欣賞詩歌。