- His condescending attitude really gets my back up. 他那種居高臨下的恩賜態度實在使我很生氣。
- Install IAC motor to throttle body. 安裝IAC馬達至節氣閥體。
- His rude behavior really sets my back up. 他的粗魯舉動真令我生氣。
- His rude behavior really puts my back up. 他的粗魯舉動真令我生氣。
- The bus had to back up and turn around. 汽車得往後退,再倒過來。
- He drought along a file of document to back up his claim. 他隨身攜帶一卷宗文件以便證實索賠要求。
- Remove the air inlet hose from the throttle body and air cleaner. 從節流閥體和空氣濾清器上拆下氣流入口軟管。
- Smooth operation of throttle linkage and throttle body air valve. 節流連桿和節流體空氣閥的平穩操作。
- Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. 西追;他要求我帶他的遺體回來.
- The oil paintings are backed up with slats. 這些油畫是用細木條做背襯的。
- Remove cap from idle purge fitting at throttle body and install vacuum line. 從節氣閥體處的怠速凈化裝配拆卸帽,安裝真空管路。
- Connect the air inlet hose to the throttle body and the air cleaner. 將空氣入口軟管接至節流閥體和空氣濾清器。
- Our criticisms of his actions just got his back up. 我們若批評他的行動,只能使他更加固執。
- The kit retains the stock throttle body and all the vacuum hose connections. 這套工具保留股票節流閥身體和全部真空軟管連接。
- The L-Series ITB is a member of Woodward's Integrated Throttle Body family. 該L系列資訊科技及廣播局的一員,伍德沃德的綜合節氣門體的家庭。
- He hopped back up the stairs and took his pistol. 他趕緊返回到樓上,拿上了他的手槍。
- The tepid vodka bunced back up into her throat. 微溫的伏特加涌了上來,一直頂到她的喉嚨。
- Even if you die, I will carry your body back to your home. 即使你死了,我也會把你背到你家裡去。
- He got his back up when I said he was wrong. 在我說他錯了的時候,他生氣了。
- It was built back up from scratch after the war. 它是戰後從瓦礫中重建起來的。