There are thousands of awnings on the sea beach. 沙灘上有許多遮陽篷。
The liberal candidate romped through with thousands of votes to spare. 自由黨候選人輕易獲勝,超出選票數以千計。
The novel captured the imagination of thousands of readers. 這部小說引起了千萬讀者的想象。
The press has reported the massacre of thousands of people for their religious beliefs. 新聞界報道了那場因宗教信仰原因而對千萬人的大屠殺。
Men have been making music for thousands of years. 人類創作音樂已有數千年歷史。
The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people. 暴風給成千上萬的人帶來災難。
On the night of December1,1930, a cloud of smog moved over a valley in Belgium, which caused thousands of people to become ill. 1930年12月1日晚上,一片煙霧飄過比利時的一個山谷,這使數千人病倒了。
The fair is a big gathering. Thousands of businessmen from more than150 countries and regions are here to trade with China. 本次交易會是一次盛會。來自150多個國家和地區的成千上萬的商人在這裡與中國進行貿易。