- He wanted to think about it--to ponder over it, to decide whether it were best. 他要好好想一想--仔細地考慮一下,決定這是否是上策。
- I think deeply that how makes titles often. 我常常在製作時思考怎麼做片頭。
- There are many things to ponder over in regard to this project. 關於這項工程有許多事情要考慮。
- What caused this stagnancy is an issue for us to ponder over. 是什麼因素造成這種停滯不前的現象,這個問題值得我們深思。
- I think deep thoughts, I am a bug of this world. 我深思熟慮,我也是個人物。
- To ponder over a problem in an effort to solve or understand it. 苦思,思索求解思索某問題以解決或理解它
- As I ponder over it, quite apart from my personal inadequacy, I think my experience reflects the plight of many young Singaporeans. 暗自反省時發現,除了自己的不足,這情況其實也反映了現今新加坡青年的困境:
- Always be in ponder over condition, be in namely guide! 總處于思考狀態,就是在引導!
- We think it advisable that he (should) think deeply before acting. 我們認為他在行動之前好好考慮一下才是明智的。
- The lofty theoreticians had better ponder over this. 高明的理論家最好應該考慮一下這個問題。
- She pondered over her next words. 她仔細考慮接下去要講的話。
- He often inspires us to ponder over questions this way. 他常用這種方式啟發我們思考問題。
- The matter is worth thinking deeply about. 這事值得深思。
- Then I have to think deeply what benefit there is behind the incidence. 那時候我就必須深思發生的事情背後有什麼益處。
- If human thinks deeply soon, God would be laugh. 你說:哦!人類一思考,上帝也會發笑。
- She had cause to ponder over this until they met again--several weeks or more. 在他們再度相見之前,她有理由反覆思考這件事--幾個星期或者更久。
- We can ponder over the ways and means before the construction work starts. 我們可以在建築工程開工之前考慮各種籌款集資措施。
- I look at the swaying branches and ponder over the greatness of all things. 我看著搖曳的樹枝,想念萬物的偉大。
- Whatever he does, he always thinks deeply and plans carefully. 處理任何事情,他總是深謀遠慮。
- It will also be teaching them to think,that's to say,to think clearly and to think deeply. 這也可教會他們思考,就是說清楚地、深刻地進行思考。