- Things to discuss to deepen our relationship in a healthy way. 可以以健康方式加深我們的關係的討論話題。
- "I have things to discuss with you, sire," he said, taking a menacing step forward. 「我有事與你商討,殿下,」他一邊說,一邊威脅地上前一步。
- The last thing to discuss is the dialects of Zhejiang's southernmost regions, Qingyuan County and Longquan City. 最後要討論的是浙江省南端的慶元縣和龍泉市的方言。
- In most cases the best thing to do is to discuss the situation with a trusted friend or advisor. 在大多數情況下,最好的方法是與一個值得信任的朋友或導師討論此事。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至於費用方面,我們只好留到下次會議再討論。
- It's a very bad thing to heave things around. 把東西到處亂扔是很不好的習慣。
- Excuse me .I must go, I have important thing to do. 對不起,我必須走了,我還有重要的事情去做呢。
- If have,want a thing to must tell a patient, answer to discuss with the doctor first, so that appropriate plans countermove. 若有要事必須告訴患者,應先同醫生商量,以便妥善安排對策。
- I have something personal to discuss with you. 我有點私事和你商量。
- Tony Leung Ka brother is to the East Ginza house purchases, the developers found that the results The two soon became partners and reward good natural thing to discuss. 梁家輝哥哥是去東方銀座看房買房時,被開發商發現,結果雙方一拍即合,報酬的事自然好商量。
- I see a portentous thing to come. 我預感不祥的事情要來到了。
- I have a good many things to do today. 我今天有很多事要做。
- I have a number of important things to do today. 今天我有許多重要事情要做。
- Our team asked for time out to discuss a new plan. 我隊要求暫停,以便商討新的對策。
- We meet regularly to discuss business. 我們定期會面討論事務。
- I don't want to lounge about town. I have other things to do. 我不想在市區閑逛。我還有別的事要做。
- You would do well to discuss the matter with him. 你還是與他商量一下這件事為好。
- That was a pretty dumb thing to do. 那件事幹得可真蠢。
- They will hold a council to discuss the proposal. 他們將開會討論這個建議。
- She said the selfsame thing to me. 她對我講的是完全一樣的事情。