- He worked hard to produce good crops from poor soil. 他辛勤耕作,為使瘠薄的土地上長出好莊稼。
- He works hard to produce good crops from poor soil. 他辛勤耕作,為使瘠薄的土地上長出好莊稼。
- Olive trees can grow in poor soil. 橄欖樹能在貧瘠的土壤里生長。
- He worked hard to producegood crops from poor soil. 他辛勤耕作,為使瘠薄的土地上長出好莊稼。
- Poor soil adds to the farmer's problems. 貧瘠的土壤更增添了農民們的困難。
- Can plants obtain adequate nourishment from such poor soil? 土壤這樣貧瘠,植物能獲得足夠的養分嗎?
- Half the year was spent in darkness, mainly in communal turf houses dug into the thin soil, lit only by blubber lamps. 一年中有半年是黑暗的,此時他們住著建在薄土層上的公用草皮房裡,用鯨脂燈來照明。
- Horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots. 山葵在貧瘠的土壤里生長可以長出雙叉的根。
- Geodynamical mechanism laid a foundation of kasst eco-environmental vulnerability, such as mountain crest,spread karst and very thin soil. 地球內動力機制奠定了其脆弱的生態環境背景,如地貌類型複雜、碳酸鹽岩廣泛分佈、山高坡陡、土層薄而不連續等。
- Theories and methods of the treatment for poor soil ground under expressway II. 高速公路不良地基處理理論與方法2。
- It's like pulling hen's teeth to make anything grow in this poor soil. 在這塊兒貧瘠的土地上種東西是不可能的事。
- Food grown in poor soil is lower in vitamins than food grown in rich soil. 在貧瘠的土壤里種植出來的食物,所含的維生素比在肥沃土地里種植出來的食物少。
- As the snow is deeper and lasts longer in the valleys, trees tend to attain greater heights on the ridges, even though they are more exposed to high-velocity winds and poor, thin soils there. 當做那雪是深的而且持續比較長的在山谷中,樹容易在脊上達到較棒的高度,即使他們多暴露的對高速度風和貧窮的,瘦的在那裡弄髒。
- I can bloom even in thin soil. 我能在貧瘠的土壤里開花。
- The tests of cementation with thin soil show that the properties of adhesive thin soil are superior to those of adhesive thick soil, so the size of soil grain affects adhesive properties a lot. 對細土進行膠結,發現膠結細土的性能均優於膠結粗土的性能,岩土顆粒對膠結性能影響較大;
- Dense, rich and loamy, this earth forms a stark contrast with the thin, poor soils of the region. (It seems a paradox, but rain forest soils have low fertility. 它稠密、多產、肥沃,與當地稀鬆、貧瘠的土壤形成了鮮明的對比。(這看起來似乎很矛盾,但是雨林土壤的養分含量很低。
- The eluvial soils on slopes where surface flow occurs are mainly clayey soils with some blocks or debris.They have good grading distribution and a thin soil horizon. 發生坡面流的斜坡殘 坡積土主要為粘性土,含少量塊石或碎石,級配較好,且土層厚度小。
- When a foundation is laid in poor soil, it is necessary to excavate to a greater depth than normal to reach a solid base. 若將基礎建在地基土層較差的地方,其基坑的深度必須大於常規深度,以使基礎落於較堅實的地基上。
- Because of the poor soil many farmers have deserted the country and moved to the towns. 由於土地貧瘠,許多農民離開了農村,搬進了城鎮。
- A thin jacket is a poor protection against cold. 一件單薄的夾克衫不足以禦寒。