- In Fig. 2 there is no indication of timescale. 在圖2中沒有指出時間分度。
- There is no indication of an imminent revival of nuclear orders. 沒有跡象表明還會出現定購核電站的新熱潮。
- There is no indication that we shall have an earthquake. 沒有跡象表明,將要發生一次地震。
- There is no indication that he got his money dishonestly. 沒什麽說他的錢是由不當的方式而來的。
- A credit is irrevocable even if there is no indication to that effect. 信用證是不可撤銷的,即使未如此表明。
- Colorado officials say there is no indication the balloon ordeal was a hoax. 科羅拉多州官員說,沒有跡象表明氣球磨難是一場騙局。
- As for corruption,there is no indication at all that it has started to creep in to our society. 至於貪污方面,沒有半點跡象顯示貪污之風已開始蔓延至本港社會。
- As for corruption, there is no indication at all that it has started to creep in to our society. 至於貪污方面,沒有半點跡象顯示貪污之風已開始蔓延至本港社會。
- There is no indication that script had as many ideograms as the hieroglyphic had. 沒有跡象表明這種文字是擁有很多表意文字,就如那些象形文字一樣。
- If there is no indication, the beneficiary will be the sole holder/all joint holders. 如無指示,收款人將為獨立持有關單位/股份的標值貨幣支付。
- But there is no indication that buses also ferried people out of the city, beyond the reach of water. 但並沒有指示這些巴士在洪水來臨之前將人們運送出城。
- There is no indication yet who have might been behind this bombing, but this is a tense time in Egypt. 現在還沒有跡象表明誰策劃了這次爆炸事件,但這是埃及的一個緊張時刻。
- However there is no indication whether the same fate will follow through for Europe. 但是現在還沒有跡象表明是否相同的命運將繼續跟進預期歐洲.
- WHO says there is no indication right now that the world is facing a situation like that, which occurred in 1918. 他說,跟1918年的情況相比,全世界現在已經做好充分準備應對可能發生的瘟疫。
- There is no doubt that we will be successful. 毫無疑問我們會成功的。
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 綁架危機毫無緩和跡象。
- There is no parking between 9 am and 6 pm. 上午9時至下午6時禁止停放機動車輛。
- There is no such man in our neighborhood. 在我們的鄰近沒有這樣的人。
- The boat has gone adrift and there is no one board! 小船漂走了,船上一個人也沒有人了。
- There is no clue to the identity of the thief. 沒有確定竊賊身分的線索。