- But I belong to the police-station of the West End. 可是我是屬於西城區警察局的。
- In terms of the medicinal nature, herbs with cold nature belong to yin and those with warm and hot nature pertain to yang. 就藥物的性質而言,寒性葯屬於陰,溫熱葯屬於陽。
- As concerns the flavors, herbs that are sour, bitter and salty belong to yin and those that are acrid, sweet and bland pertain to yang. 就氣味而言,酸、苦、鹹味葯屬於陰,辛辣、甜、淡味葯屬於陽。
- Do wolves belong to the canine species? 狼是犬科動物嗎?
- It seems the vows of chastity belonging to a nun. 這似乎是一個修女的貞操誓言。
- In terms of actions, herbs with astringent, descending and sinking actions belong to yin, while those with dispersing, ascending and floating actions pertain to yang. 就藥物的功效而言,具有收斂、沉降功效的藥物屬陰,具有發散、升浮功效的藥物屬陽。
- Pisa is to the west (of Florence). 比薩在(佛羅倫薩的)西邊。
- We undertook a trip to the west. 我們到西部作了一次旅行。
- John Bulls belong to the white race. 英國人屬於白色人種。
- The property should belong to me of right. 按照法律這筆財產應當屬於我。
- English is a language branch belonging to the West Germanic line of the Indo-European family. 英語是屬於印度-歐洲語系西日爾曼語言的一個分枝。
- China belongs to the Third World. 中國屬於第三世界。
- She lives to the west of (ie further west than) Glasgow. 她住在格拉斯哥以西的地方。
- Alder trees belong to the birch family. 赤楊屬於樺木科。
- String beans belong to the pea family. 菜豆屬於豌豆屬植物。
- Therefore, we in study Lucar is wonderful, should not first it belong to in the West Marxism category, then seeks for the supporting document again. 因此,我們在研究盧卡奇的時候,不應首先把它歸入到西方馬克思主義的類別中,然後再尋找證明材料。
- The refore, we in study Lucar is wonderful, should not first it belong to in the West Marxism category, then seeks for the supporting document again. 因此,我們在研究盧卡奇的時候,不應首先把它歸入到西方馬克思主義的類別中,然後再尋找證明材料。
- The west lake is noted for its scenery. 西湖以其風景而著名。
- The Chinese belong to the yellow race. 中國人屬於黃種人。
- The West Lake was beautiful beyond description. 西湖美得難以描述。