- Only four points separate the top three teams. 領先的三隊只相差四分。
- Now, we move swiftly into the top three. 現在然我們趕緊去看第三名的景點。
- I would like the top three paid sales reps by department. 我需要知道部門工資為前名銷售代表的誰。
- Hong Kong stands among the top three in Asia and top five globally. 香港的互聯網滲透率位居亞洲三甲之列,全球排名第五位。
- Medals will be awarded to contestants with the top three scores in each level. 比賽分四組:一到二年級,三到四年級,五到七年級,八到十一年級。
- Brooks: Does this make Boston one of the top three teams in the East? 記者布魯克斯:這會不會讓波士頓名列東部3甲。
- My English scores were always in the top three of my class of 40 at school. 我的英語成績在我班40名同學中一直是前3名。
- NH: Well, actually I am a bit surprised to be in the top three after the test. 尼克-海德菲爾德:實際上,在測試之後我對能進入前三位感到有些驚訝,我們沒有料到。
- Remuneration of the top three cities are Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. 薪酬排名前三的城市分別是上海、北京和深圳。
- Cups will be awarded to the top three teams and medals to their players and coaches. 對前三名的優勝隊授予獎盃,對這些隊的隊員和教練員授予獎章。
- The top of this mountain is three kilometers above the sea level. 這座山的山頂海拔三千米高。
- The top three men and top three women in each of these tournaments earn Olympic spots for their country (15 men and 15 women). 洲錦標賽的前三名男女運動員均為其所在國獲得奧運會參賽資格(共有15名男女選手)。
- Compiling and linking one of the top three libraries into your project is painless. 將這三種最流行的庫其中一種編譯並鏈接到您的項目毫不費力。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他這樣才能出眾的人終究會升到最上層的。
- Target player puts the top three cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard. 目標牌手將其牌庫頂上三張牌置入墳場。
- Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard? 你能夠到櫃頂的那本書嗎?
- I think I can.My English scores were always on the top three of my class of 40 at school. 我想我能,我的英語成績在我班40名同學中一直是前三名。
- Your room opens off the top landing. 你的房門朝向頂層樓梯平台。
- The top three drugs that the sensitivity rate was the supreme were ciprofloxacin,cefazolin and cefotaxime. 結論嬰幼兒醫院感染性腸炎的病原菌主要系腸道桿菌;
- The top of the table was formed by a stone slab. 桌面是一塊石板。