- The swift fate of Holand was in all our minds. 荷蘭的急轉直下的結局一直在我們的腦際縈迴。
- We've got a bet on who's going to arrive first. 我們打了個賭,看誰先到。
- The swift current impacts against the shore. 激流撞擊著海岸。
- What the swift mind beholds at every turn. 可憐我吧,雖然我敏銳的頭腦看出萬事皆空
- In the swift current, the boat rocked, water washed into it and disaster threatened. 在急流之中船身晃動,水沖了進來,眼看要發生災難了。
- It makes no matter whether you arrive first or last- there's enough food for everyone, whatever time they arrive. 大家早到晚到都無關緊要——不管什麼時候,都有足夠的東西吃。
- Arrived first; forgot to light the oven first. 第一個到達; 忘了先點上爐子
- The groom will arrive first and wait with his retinue for the bride to arrive. 新郎會先行到場,並和他的隨員一起等待新娘的到來。
- The swimmer battled the swift current. 游泳者與急流搏鬥。
- Let not Nemesis catch me by the swift ships. 不要讓報應女神娜美西斯用快捷的船艦捉拿我。
- The swift and indifferent placidity of that look troubled me. 那一掃而過的冷漠沉靜的目光使我深感不安。
- John arrived first and Jane came next. 約翰先到了, 然後是簡。
- A man is looking down into the swift water twenty feet below. 一個漢子正在望著腳下二十英尺處的湍急的流水。
- He has a swift foot. 他走得很快。
- What is the swiftest method that treats toothache? 治療牙疼的最快方法是什麼?
- Is first time of Cheng of Xue Folan scene maintains to arrive first a few months or be to arrive first a few kilometers ah? 雪佛蘭景程第一次保養是先到幾個月或是先到幾公里啊?
- What is the swiftest breast enhancement method? 最快的豐胸方法是什麼?
- Those applications arriving first will receive precedence. 最先到的申請者將有優先權
- Life is a precession.The slow of foot finds it too swift and he steps out; And the swift of foot finds it too slow and he too steps out. 生命是一次行軍,腳步慢的人覺得它太快了,於是退出;腳步快的人覺得它太慢了,也退出。
- Technically, it hits, dodges and counters while advancing on swift feet. 技擊上以走打為主,步法輕快,躲閃還擊,眼明手快。