- But speaking of the estate exploiter, may in this tall and pleasing to the eye 「hundred scenery performances」 the development elegant demeanor, set up the brand, win the popular sentiment. 而對於樓盤開發者而言,可以在這場美輪美奐的「百景表演」中展現風采、樹立品牌、贏得民心。
- The popular song rings far and near. 這首流行歌曲到處流傳。
- Eager fans mobbed the popular singer. 熱切的歌迷們團團圍住住這位流行歌手
- Nostalgia as Content Creativity: Cultural Industries and the Popular Sentiment 懷舊作為創意內容:文化產業與大眾情感
- Their engagement created a terrific splash in the popular press. 他倆訂婚的事在廣受歡迎的新聞界極為轟動。
- It is this songster who wrote the lyrics for the popular song. 是這個歌曲作家為那隻流行歌曲寫的詞。
- His role was to stooge for the popular comedian. 她在這部戲里演配角。
- Any public figure risks being made an Aunt Sally by the popular press. 任何知名人士都要冒風險,會成為通俗刊物的眾矢之的。
- The feelings of the people are against him.; Popular sentiment is against him. 人心不順。
- He had but one eye, and the popular prejudice runs in favour of two. 他只有一隻眼,而一般的偏見則認為有兩隻眼有利。
- The crowd mobbed the popular film star. 人們圍住了那位受人歡迎的電影明星。
- Currently, the popular theme is "firm but fair". 目前流行的主題是「堅定而公正。」
- They know he's got the popular touch. 他們知道他掌握受人歡迎的風格。
- She listened to him sing the popular song. 她聽他唱了首流行歌曲。
- Mr Fabius has tapped into an uncomfortable popular sentiment that an enlarged Europe is drifting out of France's grasp. 法比尤斯已經激發出一場並不愉快的大眾情緒,認為擴大后的歐洲正在脫離法國的掌控。
- Where is the popular pub in town? 市區最受歡迎的酒吧在哪裡?
- The popular V-Gard design in ABS shell. ABS材質製成,強度高,剛性高,重量輕;
- But clearly, popular sentiment is not automatically registered in political activism and public policy (e. G., See Burstein et al. 但是,很顯然,公眾情緒不是自動記錄在政治行動和國家政策中(例如,見。
- In China too, the leadership's determination to forge better relations with Japan has only gone so far in reining in popular sentiment. 在中國,情況亦是如此。領導層改善中日關係的決心,迄今只是收斂了公眾的反日情緒。