- Are opposed to the imperial court. 都反對朝廷。
- To contribute talents to the imperial court. 就是向朝廷選拔貢獻人才的意思。
- The Qiang tribesmen have the audacity to despise the imperial court. 羌人竟敢藐視朝廷。
- Government officials are called working staff paid by the imperial court. 人們稱政府官員是吃皇糧的工作人員。
- He went into the imperial court and began the rite of worshipping Heaven. 他走進了龍庭,開始祭天儀式。
- Chess was very popular in the imperial court and among scholastic circles at that time. 象棋在當時的宮廷和學者圈裡相當流行。
- In about A.D.105, an official in the imperial court produced the forebear of what has become today the world's most indispensable product. 在西元一百零五年左右,朝廷的一位官員製造出今日世上不可或缺產品的前身。
- From that time, Huishan clay figurines were officially recognised as articles of tribute to the imperial court. 從此惠山泥人成為貢品。
- The complexity of struggle is due to the special position of eunuch in the imperial court. 鬥爭的複雜性是由於宦官在宮中的特殊地位所致
- The King of Khotan, barbarians in the west, came to pay tribute to the imperial court of China. 和闐王,西方的胡人,來中國朝見皇帝。
- And the canonizing from the imperial court excited the prosperity of monk cursive script. 朝廷及文人的推崇刺激了僧人草書的興盛;
- The imperial court removed him from office and prosecuted him for delaying the fulfilment of a military plan. 他因貽誤軍機被朝廷革職查辦。
- "The Sweet Dew Incident" was a coupd" dat in the imperial court which happened in 835. 「甘露之變」發生在唐文宗大和九年(835)十一月,是一場由李訓、鄭注策劃謀誅宦官,但又事與願違的一場歷史悲劇。
- Tao Yuan-ming's dissatisfaction with the imperial court decadent, dark officialdom, but also do not want to? 陶淵明不滿朝廷腐朽、官場黑暗,更不願「為五斗米折腰」,寧可掛印辭官,歸隱田園。
- The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, the imperial court Gualv lychee was listed as tribute. 明末清初,掛綠荔枝被列為朝廷貢品。
- Have you been to the Imperial Palace? 你去過故宮嗎?
- Clay figurine artist Wang Chunlin made five plates of clay children to send to the imperial court and they were highly praised by Emperor Qianlong. 彩塑師王春林製作五盤泥孩兒進獻,得到清代乾隆皇帝的讚賞。
- Korean tributary missions to the imperial court of China took an interest in Jesuit missionary books and brought them back to Korea. 天主教最初是被作為西方學問,由朝鮮的明朝使臣介紹而傳人韓國的,。
- A decree that the imperial court issues, those who promote mellow infante to be broading appearance of his the youngest son is act as regent. 朝廷頒布的一項法令,提升醇親王為他幼子溥儀的攝政。
- The actor performs play, play the part of drunkard again, shake on the street will shake, tongue-lash a few magnificoes in the imperial court. 演員演完戲,又扮成醉鬼,在街上搖來晃去,大罵朝廷里的一些大官。