"slight evidence"
"a tenuous argument"
"a thin plot"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
Our existence is far more tenuous than we might think. 但我們的生命遠比想像的要脆弱。
Cassini had passed through a tenuous cloud. 卡西尼號還曾經穿越過稀薄的雲層。
The air ten miles above the earth is very tenuous. 地面往上十英里處的氣體是非常稀薄的。
He gave a tenuous account of his past life. 他對他過去的生活說得很含糊。
The tenuous state of the chromosomes during the period between cell divisions should not suggest that they are inert at this time. 在細胞分裂期間,纖細狀態的染色體並不表明此時它們是不活躍的。
The cross-dating links were often tenuous. 跨年代的聯繫往往是空洞無力的。