- Wash dried scallop and soak in water for 2 hours. Tear into shreds. 瑤柱洗凈,用清水浸2小時后撕碎。
- The badge of the civil and staid I'll tear into shreds for the nonce. 我暫且撕裂溫恭和認真的標誌。
- Blanch gluten in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and squeeze out excess water. Tear into shreds. 烤麩放滾水內拖水5分鐘,取出,迫出水份,撕成條狀。
- I want to take this diary and rip it into shreds. 我真想一賭氣扯了這日記。
- Frank stared at the crisp blue five-pound note, longing to tear it into shreds and fling them in Paddy's face. 弗蘭克望著那一張摺疊有聲的5鎊的鈔票,心裡真想把它撕得粉碎,投到帕迪臉上去。
- Peel the carrots and cut them into shreds. 將胡羅卜削皮, 切成絲。
- Rinse and place conpoy in a small bowl, add 1 tbsp water, steam for 20 min. Cool and tear into fine shreds. 瑤柱沖洗,灑上1湯匙水,隔水蒸20分鐘,取出待凍,撕幼。
- Sprinkle the salt on the both sides of salmon. Let marinate for about 30 minutes. Tear the seaweed into small pieces or cut into shreds. 三文魚兩面都抹上鹽,放在盤子里,腌制30分鐘左右。把海苔剪成小條,或者用手撕成小塊兒。
- My first impulse was to tear into him. 我第一個衝動就是批評他。
- I'd like to tear into that fat slob. 我(真)想向那胖傢伙猛撲過去。
- Tears it into shreds and throws it back together again. 當這份自信被撕得粉碎后又能重新恢復原狀的角色。
- The soldiers were tearing into the enemy. 戰士們正向敵人猛攻。
- "My first impulse was to tear into him," admits my friend Jennie. 我的朋友詹妮承認說:"我第一個衝動就是批評他。"
- Soak the mushrooms in water for 20 minutes, stems removed, and cut into shreds. 把香菇用水浸泡20分鐘,去掉頭,切細別用。
- Jack tore into the steak as though he hadn't eaten for a week. 傑克大口吃起牛排來,好像一個星期沒有吃東西似的。
- Are you able to leap safely to snag the globes before they can tear into you? 你能確定你一定可以冒險在骷髏們殺掉你之前抓到那些血球?
- The puppy is tearing into the big dog. 小狗正向大狗猛撲過去。
- Remove pulp from pumpkin, rinse and drain, then cut obliquely into shreds, marinade in a little salt for a short while, then drain. 南瓜去瓤,洗凈,瀝干,橫切成條,用少許食鹽略腌后飛水,瀝干。
- She tore into him for being late for the meeting. 她責備他開會遲到。
- They tore into their food as if they were starving. 他們狼吞虎咽地吃起飯來,好像餓壞了似的。