- Dried cuttlefish is a tasty snack. 魷魚絲是很好吃的點心。
- A lizard gets lost in a stocks trading firm.A big crocodile comes over and goes towards the lizard smacking his lips for the tasty snack. 一隻壁虎在一家證券公司門口迷了路,這時正好有一條大鱷魚遠遠地爬了過來,準備要一口吃掉它。
- In the parody, the title of which translates as something like The Steamed Bun Murder, Hu has reduced the sweeping historical epic, with its emphasis on honour, swordplay, physical prowess and mysticism, to a gratuitous murder over a tasty snack. 他聽說胡戈的所作所為後大為震怒,並怒斥胡戈「不可想象的無恥」,同時還威脅要以誹謗罪起訴胡戈。
- Children play exciting games to win the tasty snacks for free. 孩子們可以參加激動人心的遊戲,獲勝后能免費享用這些美味。
- Grandma Sara is a great little cook, whipping up everything from tasty snacks to hearty meals. 從小點心到精美套餐,莎拉奶奶為您準備了豐盛的菜肴。
- Dumplings and roll-ups are tasty snacks that can be prepared in about 15-20 minutes. 水餃和春卷是美味小吃,要準備好它們只需15到20分鐘左右。
- Traditional Spanish bars will serve plates of tasty snacks, called Tapas, with wine or beer. 傳統的西班牙酒吧會與葡萄酒或啤酒一道,提供被稱為「餐前小吃」的美味小吃拼盤。
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他給鴨肉加了點豬油使它美味可口。
- These pancakes made by my mother are really tasty. 我媽媽做的這些煎餅非常好吃。
- Don't stay too long at the snack bar. 別在快餐館耽誤太長時間。
- Usually I only have a snack at lunchtime. 我中午通常只吃點心。
- Be the snack bar in the basement? 快餐部在地下室嗎?
- I'm not very hungry a small snack is fine for me. 我不太餓--來點小吃就夠了。
- And the 44)tacos we ate at the snack bar were tasty. 我們在小吃店中品嘗的玉米面豆卷極為可口。
- 」 Also, it is apparently hairy.This doesn't stop Cameroon locals from spearing and roasting hairy frogs as a tasty snack. 雖然,這種青蛙長著一身長毛,但是,喀麥隆當地人還是捕捕燒烤作為美味佳肴。
- As snack, they offer us water biscuit with cheese spread. 作為小吃,他們為我們提供了帶乳酪塗層的水麵餅干。
- Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty. 乏味的缺少味道或滋味; 無味的
- I prefer to snack when I'm travelling rather than have a full meal. 我旅行時喜歡吃小吃而不吃正餐。
- No, I'm going to the snack bar to get a doughnut and some milk. 不,我要到小吃店買一個油炸圈餅和一些牛奶。
- A snack bar or small cafeteria, as on a military installation. 隨軍小賣部小吃店或小自助餐廳,如軍事單位中的