- 那位年輕的作家頗富才情。That young writer is brimming with literary talent.
- 妙趣橫生的談話;才情洋溢的人格魅力a sparkling conversation/personality
- 在才情氣質上,柏拉圖是和蘇格拉底屬於完全不同的類型。In mental temperament Plato was of an altogether different type from Socrates.
- 在才情氣質上,柏拉圖是和蘇格拉底屬於完全不同的類型。In mental temperament Plato was of an altogether different type from Socrates.
- 「鮑勃,」莎莉說:「我這人能力如何,才情如何,你該心中有數。」"You remember me, Bob," Sally says, "you know what capabilities I have, what talent."
- 這使女性以其充滿幽愁暗恨的創作抒寫出閨中悲吟,與此同時,也彰顯出婦女無比的才情、氣質與高超的藝術水平。To express their depression and resentment. they created their works. which also shows their matchless talent, tempernament and outstanding art.
- 莎士比亞的主張更帶有自然神論色彩,塞萬提斯則將作家的才情擺在顯著的位置,強調人的能力與價值,把人看成是具有無限創造力的生物。However, Shakespeare advocated more natural deification, Cervantes put the talent of writers on a remarkable position ,reinforcing human abilities and values and regarded human beings as the creature of limitless creativity.