- Strawberry formative taboret, colour and lustre is bright beautiful, delicate and charming be about to drip. 草莓造型的小凳子,色澤亮麗,嬌艷欲滴。
- Habitually we let him place a taboret and begin to do homework.I gave him two pieces of biscuit for fear that he be hungry. 照例讓他在門口擺了張小凳子開始做作業,怕他餓,給他塞了兩片餅乾什麼的。
- Objective: Comparison of back pain and rescuer fatigue following CPR with different postures, including kneeling, standing on taboret, and standing. 目的:比較以跪坐、站立於小板凳以及站立此三種不同姿勢進行心肺復甦術對背痛及施救者疲乏之影響。
- Begin, he does the small commodities such as bit of taboret and plastic shopping bag, as policy open, he is repaired had a bike. 開始,他做點小凳子和塑料提包等小商品,隨著政策的開放,他修起了自行車。
- Habitually we let them place a taboret and begin to do homework.I gave them several pieces of biscuit for fear that they be hungry. 照例讓他們在門口擺了張小凳子開始做作業,怕他們餓,給他們塞了兩片餅乾什麼的。
- He sits on taboret, half move body, both hands keeps mutual rub is worn or collect breathes out a few tones in mouth edge. 他坐在小凳子上,半卷著身子,雙手不停地相互搓著或湊在嘴邊呵幾口氣。
- Only pensile hook of cap of a garment is afraid is the simplest porch is decorated, add a piece of taboret to be able to sit down rest, dissolved the insecurity that go out and haste. 只懸挂一排衣帽鉤恐怕是最簡單的玄關布置了,加一張小凳子便可坐下休息,化解了出門的緊張與匆忙。
- At the same time the main control system has been described detailedly,which includes the control of the taboret's step motor and the main shaft's direct current machine,also their gang control. 介紹了一種基於單片機的家用電腦繡花機的電控系統,對其系統結構和硬體系統作了部分介紹,並且對其主控部分即綉框步進電機和主軸直流電機的分別控制以及聯動作了詳細的描述。
- With quality of a material excellent the taboret of the make it of third ethylene material that has transparent feeling is nifty and lovely, also can be become with it little margin desk. 用質地上乘有透明感覺的丙乙烯材料做成的小凳子俏皮可愛,也可用它來當小邊桌。
- Each participant performed CPR on a manikin with kneeling, standing on a taboret, and standing postures in one week apart, and the sequence of postures was assigned through a randomization process. 每位受測者以隨機決定,分別以跪坐、站立於小板凳以及站立三種不同的急救姿勢在假人身上操作心肺復甦術,每次操作間隔一個星期。
- tabouretn. 小凳子;綉框
- taboretn. 小凳子
- 2.At the same time the main control system has been described detailedly,which includes the control of the taboret's step motor and the main shaft's direct current machine,also their gang control. 介紹了一種基於單片機的家用電腦繡花機的電控系統,對其系統結構和硬體系統作了部分介紹,並且對其主控部分即綉框步進電機和主軸直流電機的分別控制以及聯動作了詳細的描述。