- This paper discusses the use of PKI system solves the security of e-government. 本文探討了利用PKI體系解決電子政務的安全性;
- structural engineering system solver 建築結構分析語言, 結構工程系統解算程序
- Structural Engineering System Solver language STRESS語言
- With the technique of AGC(Auto Gain Control), the system solves the question about overflow when several persons are speaking at the same time. 應用AGC(自動增益控制)技術解決話音疊加的溢出問題。
- This system solved the dispersive and inferior comparable problems caused by evaluating with single property indexes.It has wonderful practical value. 解決了用單一性能指標進行評價時所產生的分散性及可比性差的問題,具有很好的實用價值。
- Three,from consummates aspect and so on management system, perfect control system solves the management chaotic problem. 三是從完善管理體制、健全管理制度等方面解決管理混亂的問題。
- The new system solved originally all in the movement existence of problem.Exaltation the hydraulic system in the movement of credibility. 新系統解決了原系統在運行中存在的問題,提高了液壓系統在運行中的可靠性。
- In the paper, the control scheme of eight-level drawbench frequency conversion timing system solves the stability precision and improves the economic benefit. 文章設計出的八級拉絲機交流變頻調速系統的控制方案,解決了穩態精度的問題,提高了經濟效益。
- Through simulation and analysis, the three geostationary satellites positioning system solves the defect of the original system.But the positioning accuracy exists still. 通過模擬和分析表明,三星定位技術雖然解決了原有系統的缺陷,但存在定位精度的問題;
- Network Forcible Alarm System solves the difficult problem of lacking of constraint and effective communication to the clients in risk control measures. 網路強制報警系統解決了目前的安全控制措施領域所欠缺的網路管理缺乏強制性,發現安全隱患后難以有效與用戶實現溝通等重要問題。
- structural engineering system solver (STRESS) 結構工程系統解算程序,建築結構分析語言
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你們的社會裡也有一種等級制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持異議的權利是我們政治體制的組成部分。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎麼登錄進入這個系統嗎?
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公眾輿論反對舊的封建制度。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 該項裝置是按照熱力上升的原理運轉的。
- It will be shown that a broad class of GTD-based systems solve the optimal DFE problem with bit allocation. 這將是表明了廣泛的GTD階級為基礎的系統的最佳解決有限元問題,比特分配。
- The drainage system has been aged. 排水系統已經老化了。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他們要求對稅收制度進行根本改革。
- This is a highly efficient new heating system. 這是個高效的新取暖系統。