- The mao (pike) ge, bow and arrow, short sword and dagger formed a set of warrior' s weapons. 銅矛、戈、弓箭、劍和刀是兵士的一套武器裝備。
- Bows and arrows have long since been out of use. 弓箭很早以前就沒人使用了。
- Bows and arrows have long since gone out of use. 弓箭早就不用了。
- The art, sport, or skill of shooting with a bow and arrow. 射箭運動員,弓箭手用弓箭射擊的技藝、運動或技巧
- What are you doing with those swords and shields? 你們挪動這些劍和盾幹什麼?
- The rebels held swords and spears in the hands. 起義者手裡拿著刀槍。
- Eg: They used to hunt with bows and arrows. 他們過去用弓箭來打獵.
- They are armed with swords and guns. 他們裝備著刀和槍。
- They used to hunt with bows and arrows. 他們過去都是用弓箭打獵。
- Swords and pistols in your belts. 劍和手槍插在腰間。
- They hunted with bows and arrows. 他們用弓和箭打獵。
- I will throw my swords and lances down in the dust. 我把我的劍矛扔在塵土裡。
- He was armed with a bow and arrow. 他佩帶著弓箭。
- The two opponents decided at last to sheathe the sword and met at a dinner given by their friend. 這兩個對手終於決定講和,在朋友舉行的晚宴上會面了。
- Increases the effectiveness of bow and arrow shots. 增強弓箭的射擊效力。
- He dashed down his sword and picked up a revolver . 他擲掉劍,撿起一把手槍。
- Only possible when armed with a bow and arrow. 需要裝備弓和弓彈。
- He dashed down his sword and picked up a revolver. 他擲掉劍,撿起一把手槍。
- With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin. 我殺了知更鳥,用我的弓和箭。
- They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim their words like deadly arrows. 他們磨舌如刀,發出苦毒的言語,好像比准了的箭。