- Objective Discuss the ultrasonic to distinguish the symptionu of the hypothyroid s knot. 目的總結討論超聲鑒別診斷甲狀腺結節特徵。
- You should learn the overhand knot, overhand loop, bowline, double-loop bowline, figure-of-eight loop, ring bend, and fisherman』s knot. 但你應該學會單結、反手繩圈、布林結、雙布林結、八字結、防脫結以及交織結。
- Methods The high-frequency scout pin can obscrve various of hypothyroid s knot stanzc,as appcarancc,cdge,inner echos,the sum of the knots,the size,the calcified conditions,the current of bloods. 方法高頻探頭觀察各類甲狀腺結節形態、邊緣,內部回聲、結節數目、大小、是否有鈣化、血流狀態。
- The surgeon cut out all the diseased tissue. 外科大夫把壞了的組織都切除掉。
- The surgeon cut away the tumour with expert skill. 外科大夫用熟練的技術把腫瘤切去。
- The surgeon asked him if he felt nervous. 外科醫生問他是否感到緊張。
- He is reputed as the best surgeon in Paris. 他被認為是巴黎最好的外科醫生。
- The surgeon is performing a delicate operation. 那位外科醫生正在做一個很精細的手術。
- The surgeon excised the lump from her breast. 外科醫生切除了她乳房的腫塊。
- Keywords Hypothyroid discasc;Ultrasonic examine;The hypothyroid s knot; 甲狀腺疾病;超聲診斷;甲狀腺結節;
- He is reputed as/to be the best surgeon in Paris. 他是公認的巴黎最好的外科醫生。
- First the surgeon performed the section of the blood vessel. 外科醫生首先切開血管。
- The surgeon muttered his dissatisfaction. 外科醫生低聲發泄他的不滿。
- For the knot there』s no untying! 兩顆心就嘆息破碎!
- The surgeon operated on her for a tumor. 醫生為她的腫瘤開刀。
- The surgeon operated on him to remove the tumor. 外科醫生給他做手術以切除腫瘤。
- A surgeon removed the boy's brain tumor. 一位外科醫生為這男孩摘除了腦腫瘤。
- The surgeon closed the incision with stitches. 外科醫生縫合了傷口。
- The surgeon operated on her for appendicitis. 外科醫生為她做闌尾切除手術。
- The surgeon has performed the operation. 外科醫生做了手術。