- With the unread letter and his wife』s expectation, h closed his eyes forever. 帶著未能救火的遺憾和妻子的期待,永遠閉上了眼睛。
- On the whole, as a nominal anchor, IT is able to induct the public』s expectation, improve the macroeconomic performance efficiently. 總之,作為一個名義錨,通貨膨脹定標(IT)能夠較好地引導公眾預期,有效地改善經濟的運行環境。
- Part five gives some advice on the development of GMS according to consumer"s expect. 第五部分根據消費者對未來大型綜合超市的期望,提出大型綜合超市發展的基本思路。
- User s expectation, experience, and satisfaction show prominently relevant to the environmental design of greenway during users experience of recreation in the greenway. 中文摘要本研究主要目的在探討台中市綠園道之休閒遊憩活動潛力。
- It satisfies the demands from broad clients by more goods and better quality.Cus-tomer」s expectation is our goal, customer」s trust is the honour of our factory. 本廠園林剪刀、花卉工具光潔度高,浸塑柄、木柄均採用進口原料及國產優質木材精工製造,外形美觀漂亮。
- It『s expected Huckaby will enter a plea later this month. 預期她將會在本月晚些時候提出辯護請求。
- Today the laws get more and more complicated, people"s expectation on notarization decides that the notarization must has the functions of certificating, judging, guiding and forecasting. 在公證實務中,通常認為公證的過程是一個證明的過程,公證書僅僅是作為滿足當事人要求的一種證據。
- Virtuous women were esteemed by the mainstream culture in Tang as the paragon of women, which comprehensively embody social and culture』s expectation and requirements to the female. 賢婦是唐代主流文化奉為楷模的女性形象,集中體現了社會文化對女性的期待和要求。
- The state vector s expectation, variance and covariance matrices are given under the conditions of the systems with regular infinite extreme point and singular infinite extreme point. 在系統具有正則無窮遠極點和奇異無窮遠極點的條件下,得到了系統狀態向量的均值、方差陣及協方差陣的計算公式。
- If people』s expectation of the government drops substantially and the social image of the NHI administration agency goes down, then privatization of the NHI program will become more feasible. 若民眾對政府的期待大幅下降,健保行政部門的社會形象大幅滑落時,則健保組織體系朝向民營化及多元化的方案即變得較可行。
- Don't expect much of him; he is at best a student. 不要對他期望過高; 他只不過是個學生。
- People』s expectations about a product and the way it works are highly informed by their mental model. 人們對於產品的期望和對於產品工作方式的想像大部分來自於他們的心理模型。
- The lazy student never do his homework on time. 這個懶惰的學生從沒有按時做他的家庭作業。
- He has very sternly admonished student. 他十分嚴厲地訓誡了學生。
- I think you can see in this description that the client was obligingly fulfilling the therapist』s expectations! 我想你能看到描述中的客戶樂於履行治療師的期望!
- He is, so to speak, a hardworking student. 他可說是個用功的學生。
- You should be vigilant all year about asking your boss how you can go above and beyond what\'s expected. 整個年度當中你都應向老闆詢問怎樣才能在預期表現之外做得更多。
- The student murmured the answer with a blush. 那個學生紅著臉小聲說出了答案。
- For appetite, for me, is this state of wanting, which keeps one』s expectations alive. 慾望對我來說,是一種渴求的狀態,它使希望永存。
- I lived in a hostel while I was a student. 我求學期間住在青年招待所里。