- He gave up the struggle in despair. 他絕望地放棄了鬥爭。
- The baby struggled in its mother's arms. 嬰兒在母親懷抱中掙扎。
- Don't put trust in sb who always change his mind! 別信任那些總改變主意的人!
- The sportsman' s arm is never free from pain. 這個運動員一直在遭受手臂疼痛的痛苦。
- The police found traces of struggle in the room. 警察發現房間里有搏鬥過的痕迹。
- On class struggle in socialist society. (二)社會主義社會的階級鬥爭。
- So we have to struggle in many ways. 因此我們必須進行各種努力。
- She pressed her friend 's arm tightly. 她緊緊握住朋友的手臂
- Better shun the bait, than struggle in the snare. 避開誘餌比在陷阱內掙紮好些。
- Thus did this unhappy soul struggle in its anguish. 這個不幸的人老是在苦惱下掙扎。
- Mary 's arm pillowed the baby 's head . 嬰兒枕在瑪麗的臂上。
- The child griped his mother』s arm. 這個孩子緊握者他媽媽的手臂。
- To believe in sb is to have confidence in sb and trust him. 表示的是對某人有信心,信任某人。
- The baby struggled in its mother rs arms. 嬰兒在母親懷抱中掙扎。
- We must unfold a struggle in the Party against bourgeois ideas. 要在黨內開展反對資產階級思想的鬥爭。
- He looked back on the course of struggle in his book. 他在書中回顧了戰鬥的歷程。
- Daylight struggled in through the dirty panes. 日光困難地透過污穢的窗玻璃照射進來。
- Life is a deadly struggle in which only the fittest survive. 生活是適者生存的一場殊死搏鬥。
- The entrance opened: BlueBeard caught Fatima』s arm. 門打開了,藍鬍子抓住法蒂瑪的胳膊。
- Since I am already found guilty, why should I struggle in vain? 我必被你定為有罪,我何必徒然勞苦呢?