- AnHui Jing Xian Wang Tong He Xuan Paper Co., Ltd. 涇縣汪同和宣紙有限公司。
- Five pads of Xuan paper and six inkbrushes. 五領宣紙,六隻毛筆。
- Xuan paper is soft and absorbent. 宣紙柔軟、有吸水性。
- Xuan paper and cooked meristem two declared. 宣紙分生宣和熟宣兩種。
- She smiled, showing all her strong white teeth. 她笑了, 露出一口潔白的好牙齒。
- Hello. I want to buy some Xuan paper and inkbrushes. 你好,我想買些宣紙和毛筆。
- The Xuan paper is a kind of high quality white paper and is especially good for traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy. 宣紙是一種質量很高的白紙,特別適用於中國書畫。
- Xuan paper, and I have never seen a unique Xuan paper, white gold, if Sibo light, the clouds shade cover Xuan paper, with the only lights lanterns shaped Circuit -- only. 宣紙,一種我從未見過的獨特宣紙,潔白如玉,輕若絲帛,雲翳朵朵的宣紙,隨形圍裹著只只燈盞。
- The Xuan Paper absorbs ink well, and it clearly shows the lines and strokes. 宣紙吸墨性好,能夠清晰地顯出線條和筆畫。
- She seemed to unfold like a strong white lily under this genial breath of admiration and homage. 她似乎在這讚賞和尊敬的真誠氛圍之中象一朵白色的水仙那樣猛烈地開放了。
- Handmade paper and petal paper and handmade paper bag and boxes and rice paper and xuan paper. 花瓣紙雲龍紙宣紙書畫紙。
- The influence of bleaching on Chinese painting paper, especially Xuan paper, has not been systemically studied. 漂白對中國書畫紙,特別是宣紙的影響情況未見系統的研究。
- This kind of xuan paper with hidden veins adopted the processing method of 「translucidus notepaper」. 這種帶暗花的宣紙使用了「透光箋」的製作方法。
- Zhu works in typically 'Chinese' materials: ink and wash on xuan paper and, more recently, woodblock prints. 朱偉使用的材料是典型的中國式:水墨、宣紙、以及最近的木版畫。
- Chinese traditional painting is done with a soft brush, absorbent Xuan paper, and ink, which is why it is sometimes called ink-and-wash painting. 中國傳統繪畫工具有毛筆、宣紙和墨,因此,中國傳統繪畫又叫水墨畫。
- The traditional pyrography material is a plank, but it can be created on xuan paper, bottle gourd, leather and velvet today. 傳統的烙畫材料為木板,如今已能在宣紙、葫蘆、皮革、絲絨等材質上進行創作。
- The wing celtis is our country unique ancient tree seed, the bark is manufactures the xuan paper the high quality material. 青檀是我國特有的古老樹種,樹皮是製作宣紙的優質材料。
- Liu Yang accustoms himself to filling up a whole piece of Xuan paper, making it indomitable to enhance visual effect of his works. 劉陽習慣於把一張宣紙寫得滿滿,頂大立地,增強其視覺效果。
- In this work, the influence of calcium hypochlorite (bleaching powder, Ca( ClO)2), a frequently used bleaching agent, on Xuan paper was investigated. 為此,首先研究常用漂白劑-漂白粉(次氯酸鈣)對宣紙的影響,又將硼氫化鈉、過氧化氫、高錳酸鉀和次氯酸鈣四種漂白劑進行比較。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在強風吹襲下傾側了。