- He is an expert in unarmed combat. 他是徒手格鬥的能手。
- The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research. 科學家們力爭在癌症研究方面有個突破。
- Strive to build China into a powerful socialist country! 為把中國建成社會主義強國而奮鬥!
- He resolved to combat with his bad habits. 他決意與自己的壞習慣搏鬥。
- Drastic measures were taken to combat inflation. 已採取激烈措施對付通貨膨脹。
- A combat aircraft designed to carry and drop bombs. 轟炸機一種設計用於運送和投擲炸彈的飛機
- Infantry, armor, and other combat arms. 步兵,裝甲兵和其他作戰兵種
- The fighter planes quickly disengaged (from the combat). 殲擊機很快(從戰鬥中)撤出了。
- A combat, especially a verbal one; a debate. 爭論尤指口頭上的爭鬥; 爭論
- A horse used in combat; a charger. 戰馬作戰所用的馬; 軍馬
- I strive automatically to bring the world into harmony with my own nature. 我機械地努力以使這世界跟自己的性情協調一致。
- The government is determined to combat international terrorism. 政府決定同國際恐怖主義作鬥爭。
- They have a reciprocal agreement to combat terrorism. 他們有相互配合的協定,共同與恐怖主義作鬥爭。
- We must strive for further increase in production. 我們必須為進一步發展生產而奮鬥。
- Plan again to strive for the scholarship. 打算再次爭取到獎學金。
- We have to strive for what we want. 我們必須為求得我們所要的東西而努力。
- The government is urged to take measures to combat the spread of aids. 人們敦促政府採取措施以防止愛滋病的傳播。
- She likes to strive with me in argument. 她總愛和我爭論。
- We should all strive to reunify the motherland. 我們共同努力,實現祖國統一。
- We all looked at the combat hero with admiration. 我們都以敬佩的眼光看著那位戰鬥英雄。