German soldier and raconteur known for his fantastic stories about his adventures as a hunter, sportsman, and soldier. 閔希豪生,卡爾·弗雷德里希·希倫穆斯·馮1720-1797德國士兵,以善講有關他做為獵人、運動員和士兵的冒險經歷的荒誕故事而聞名
Canadian writer noted for vivid novels and short stories of life in rural Ontario. Her collections of stories include Dance of the Happy Shades(1968) and Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You(1974). 芒羅,赫克托耳·休1870-1916英國作家,以其詼諧間或傷感的短篇小說著稱,這些短篇小說刊登於小說集如克洛維斯記事(1911年)
It is a wonder that he remains alive after dropping from the roof of a ten- storied building. 他從一幢十層樓房子的屋頂上摔下來,但仍然活著,真是奇迹。