"that artificial humility that her husband hated"
"contrived coyness"
"a stilted letter of acknowledgment"
"when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
A stilted heron labored up into the air and pounded down river. 一隻長腳鷺費勁地飛起來,又重重地掉到水裡了。
He fashioned no stilted epigram. 他不追求誇張的警句。
There is no doubt that he writes in a stilted style. 毫無疑問,他寫作的文體浮誇。
We made stilted conversation for a few moments. 我們不自然地客套了幾句。
A memorized speech often sounds stilted and formal. 背誦的演講聽起來往往生硬拘謹。