a footrace of usually 3000 meters over a closed track with hurdles and a water jump
a horse race over an obstructed course
用作名詞 (n.)
Xiaoming got first in the steeplechase contest. 小明在障礙賽跑中獲得了第一名。
Three days later, he won the steeplechase by 75 metres. 三天後,他在障礙跑比賽中以近75米的優勢奪冠。
On steeplechase racecourses, the hedges and water jumps are artificially constructed. 在越野障礙賽馬中,籬笆和水窪等障礙都是人為設置的。
The worlds best racehorses meet for the SteepleChase Challenge. Can you beat them in single races or championship? 世界上最大的馬會正在舉行障礙賽馬,而你就是那備受矚目的騎手。你能否力挫群雄,拿到那最終的大獎呢?