- words that startle all present 語驚四座
- All present seemed to be spellbound by the melody. 所有在場的人都似乎被這樂曲迷住了。
- All present vied to express their interest in the project. 在場的人都爭先恐後地表明自己對這個項目的興趣。
- His words fetched a laugh from all present. 他的話使在場的人都笑了。
- All present in room stood for the chairman when he entered. 主席走進屋時,全體人員都起立了。
- To the health of President Jiang and all present today. 為江澤民主席、各位嘉賓身體健康。
- Our relatives were all present at our wedding ceremony. 我們的親屬都來參加我們的婚禮了。
- Truth in action bathes all present in the vibrations of truth. 行動中的真相沐浴著所有當前真相的振動。
- This earthquake startled all over the world . 這次地震震驚全世界。
- His sudden entry startled all of us. 他的突然進入震驚了我們。
- The undersigned are all present Trustees of the Trust. 下面簽名者都是信讬的目前讬管人。
- The actors' and actresses' group dance moved all present. 演員表演的組舞感動了現場的每一個觀眾。
- The government chief whip made sure the mps were all present for the vote. 政府組織秘書長保證下院議員都出席投票。
- The teacher called out the children's names, eg to check they were all present. 教師大聲點名(如考勤).
- Hearing the news, all present were shocked and looked each other ,speechlessly. 聽到這個消息后,在場的人都面面相覷。
- I asked (here referred to his re-glower war figure) of all present agreed. 當晚,詔書擬妥。
- The success of Haojixing startles all other opponent in the ELP sector. 好記星的成功令業內愕然。
- May I wish the Hong Kong Institute of Education and all present here today every success in the future! 我衷心祝願香港教育學院成功!祝願在座各位百尺竿頭、更進一步!
- The bride's mother, flower girl daughter,and son Benjamin, and Nicolas' son Weston were all present. 新娘母親到場祝賀、女兒擔任花童、兒子班哲明與尼古拉斯的兒子威斯頓都到場參加。
- The least noise would startle the timid child. 最小的響聲也會嚇著這個膽小的孩子的。