- Sighted land off the starboard beam. 轉向右舷方向便望見了陸地
- The ship gave a lurch to starboard. 船突然向右側傾斜。
- The vessel lay over heavily on the starboard tack. 船在右舷搶風行駛時,船身來回傾斜。
- We are interested in your outboard motor,no. 500. 我們對貴司的裝在船體外使用的500號馬達頗有興趣。
- We heaved out the part of the ship's starboard. 我們使船的右側露出了水面。
- Install seat cushion outboard trim cover. 安裝座位襯墊外側飾板蓋。
- I sighted a steamer to starboard. 我看到右舷有一艘輪船。
- We are interested in your outboard motor,No.500. 我們對貴司的裝在船體外使用的500號馬達頗有興趣。
- We are interested in your outboard motor, No.500. 我們對貴司的裝在船體外使用的500號馬達頗有興趣。
- A shrimp trawler with nets hanging outboard. 捕蝦拖網漁船和掛在舷外的漁網。
- We must keep to the starboard side. 我們必須保持在右邊航行。
- Life jackets must be worn when working outboard. 舷外作業要穿救生衣。
- Manufacturers of pro outboard processors. 職業者外側的處理機的製造業者。
- The vessels lay over heavily on the starboard tack. 船在右舷搶風行駛時,船身來回傾斜。
- Stay there I just lost my starboard engine. 我剛損失右舷引擎
- The damaged ship listed badly to starboard. 這艘受損的船很嚴重地傾向右舷。
- You must rig Jacob's ladder on starboard side. 你船須將繩梯裝在右舷側。
- Come alongside the starboard side, please. 請向右舷靠過來。
- Keep the beacon on starboard side! 保持該立標在右舷