- You can turn on and off the Active standby indicator, notification of the missed calls,and inquiry for blacklisting the rejected calls, and also set the period of the log duration. 另外,在拒接選項中可以選擇自動發給來電人一條早先寫好的簡訊息。
- A special team of police were kept on standby during the time of violence. 在發生暴亂期間,經常有一支警察特別小分隊處於整裝待命狀態。
- Otherwise,you'll have to try your luck for standby. 聯航: 否則,你只能碰運氣,等候補了。
- He was put on standby for the flight to New York. 這班飛往紐約的班機,他候補待位。
- I could put you on standby if you wish. 我可以把您列為候補,如果您願意的話。
- I always keep a pizza in the freezer as a standby. 我總會在冰箱里放一個比薩餅應急。
- They bought two cheap standby tickets for Rome. 他們買了兩張便宜的去羅馬的備用機票。
- Can be store into high pressure pot for standby. 又儲存到了高壓氣罐以備用。
- Timeliness of an indicator is also significant. 指標的及時性也不容忽略。
- The DV camera might have gone into standby mode. DV攝像機可能已進入待機模式。
- The DV camera went into standby mode. DV攝像機處於待機模式。
- Inform the boat come to standby. 通知拖輪過來待命。
- You are on the interview standby list. 你已被列入面談候補名單。
- Connect the heat indicator sending unit wire. 連接溫度計發送單元線路。
- Powdered milk is a good standby in an emergency. 奶粉是應急時很好的備用品。
- The direction indicator seems all right. 方向燈看上去沒問題。
- Up to 180 hours of standby time. 長達180小時的待機時間.
- Mentality as a pass type indicator. 心態作為傳球方式指示器。
- ZL-Axis standby position off Error. z軸等待位置錯誤.
- Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution. 石蕊試紙可用以測試溶液是否含酸。