- The fellness of the blow staggered him. 那兇猛的一擊使他站立不穩。
- The unexpected blow did not stagger his resolution. 這個意外的打擊並沒有動搖他的決心。
- The boy was staggered by the blow. 那男孩給揍得搖搖晃晃。
- The drunkard staggered along the street. 那醉漢趔趄著走在街上。
- The drunk man staggered across the room. 那個醉漢搖搖晃晃地穿過房間。
- I was dazed by the blow on my head. 我的頭挨了一擊而覺得暈眩。
- Let's go for a walk and blow the cobweb away. 咱們去散散步,清醒一下頭腦。
- The railway lines run parallel to the road. 鐵路線和那條道路平行。
- The cold wind from Lake Baikal is blowing hard. 從貝加爾湖吹來的冷風在呼嘯。
- The work shifts at the factory are staggered. 這家工廠的作業班是錯開的。
- Bart: Yeah, Blowing you kisses and winking her eye. 巴特:對,送你飛吻和眨眼。
- He was staggered by the news of his father's death. 他父親去世的消息令他非常震驚。
- It was a great blow to her when her mother died. 她母親去世對她是個沉重的打擊。
- The schools in this area have staggered holidays. 這個區域的各所學校的假期是錯開的。
- Her experiences parallel mine in many instances. 她的經歷多與我的相似。
- Rain clouds are banking up. Hope they'll blow over. 雨雲正在聚積起來。希望它們會散去。
- My experience in this matter is parallel to yours. 在這件事情上,我的經驗和你的類似。
- The northeast wind was blowing hard at that time. 那時候東北風颳得正緊。
- The road runs parallel with the railway. 該公路與鐵路平行。
- He managed to ward off the blow. 他設法避過了那一擊。