Markets are flourishing and prices are stable. 市場繁榮, 物價穩定。
In order that our country could flourish and achieve its own goals, a stable environment within the country is definitely not dispensable. 國家要發展,要實現自己的目標,這是必不可少的條件,就是要國內有安定的環境。
The Sunnis hold a majority in four provinces and any government will have to respect them if they wish to administer a stable state. 遜尼派在四個省份里都是多數群體,而任何政府只要想管理一個安定的國家,就不得不對他們予以尊重。
He is a bit neurotic, but his wife is a very stable person. 他有點神經質,但他的妻子是一個非常穩重的人。