- Of or having the shape of a helix;spiral. 螺旋形的,螺旋(線)的(擁有)螺旋形或螺旋線的;螺旋的
- Of or having the shape of a helix; spiral. 螺旋形的,螺旋(線)的(擁有)螺旋形或螺旋線的;螺旋的
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋狀。
- Military budget continue to spiral. 軍費預算繼續上升。
- Military budgets continued to spiral. 軍事預算繼續急遽增加。
- Having a shape approximating that of a helix. 近似螺旋形的,近似螺旋線的
- A snail's shell is spiral in form. 蝸牛殼是螺旋形的。
- A number of silver discs arranged around a central helix to form a spiral. 這些銀圓片圍著中心螺旋線排成一個螺旋體。
- A large spiral brass tuba that fits around the player's shoulder. 海力空大號,圈形大號由演奏者掮在其肩上吹奏的大型螺旋狀銅號
- A circular or spiral motion, especially a circular ocean current. 游渦一種圓形或螺旋形的運動,特別是做圓環運動的海水水流
- That is what a double helix looks like. 這就是二重螺旋線的形狀。
- Loading Helix Server License Files. 載入伺服器證書。
- High strength synthetic cord plus helix wire. 高強力合成線繩加螺旋金屬絲。
- Copying Helix Mobile Server files. 開始拷貝文件到指定目錄,然後就可以完成安裝。
- An individual spiral or ring within such a series. 一圈在一系列中單個螺旋線或環
- The helix makes a complete turn every 4. 4nm. 螺旋每隔4.4nm旋轉一周。
- Vortex fields will have a spiral drawn. 漩渦場將會有一個螺旋線。
- What specific does pylorus helix bacili have? ? 幽門螺旋桿菌有什麼特效藥么??
- Their profits began to spiral down disastrously. 他們的利潤開始螺旋形地急劇下降。
- Can be helix alga treated gastritis and go spot? 螺旋藻能治療胃炎和去斑嗎?