- 花費expense
- 花費很多時間take long
- 把時間花費在expend time in
- 這世上有些人把整個時間花費於搜尋正義,卻騰不出時間來付諸實踐。Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness and can not find any time to practice it.
- 花費精力require efforts
- 不要再在衣著上花費時間了,你已經夠漂亮的了。Don't dawdle over your clothing. You're so beautiful already.
- 花費的expensive
- 花費與成果極不相稱。The expense bears no relation to the results.
- 花費了許多個小時法庭才相信他有罪。It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt.
- 他認為辦公室的花費太大了。He said the office expenses were too big.
- 划算的由所花費的金錢得到的商品或服務上有利的,划算的Economical in terms of the goods or services received for the money spent.
- 托尼的花費超出其收入。Tony lives beyond his income.
- 花費少underspend
- 這個計劃的唯一缺憾是花費太大。The only drawback of the plan is that it costs too much.
- 我會償付你為了我而負擔的任何花費。I will indemnify you for any expenses you may incur on my behalf.
- 我們將把你花費的錢付還你。We will reimburse you for the money you spent.
- 擦乾淨炊具花費掉他們許多時間。It took them a lot of time to scour out the pots and pans.
- 過了很久我才理解到這樣一個事實:他們的宏偉計劃要花費一筆巨款。It took me a long time to drive home the fact that their grand schemes would cost a great deal of money.
- 從花費來看,這筆錢乃區區小數。In terms of cash outlay, the sum is peanuts.
- 它大約得花費五百美元。It will cost in the region of %24500.