- The Speech Synthesis from Text to Speech Based on the TTS Technique 利用TTS技術實現文本文件的語音合成
- Implemented speech synthesis, TTS(Text to Speech), speech storage and load. 利用MS SAPI 實現語音合成、文本語音轉換TTS(Text to Speech)與語音數據的存儲與提取。
- To search and match substring from text. 從文本中查找匹配符合表達式的子字元串。
- You know, it's amazing how bad speech synthesis has been. 你知道,它是令人驚異的演講綜合已是多麽的壞。
- You can get a theoretical knowledge of farming from text books. 你可以從教科書上得到關於耕作的理論知識。
- The technology status of CDP synthesis from PTA was summarized. 概述了PTA路線的生產現狀;
- Caution: Font char set may be different from text char set. 注意:字體的字符集可能與文字的字符集不同。
- On the Data tab, in the Get External Data group, click From Text. 在「數據」選項卡上的「獲取外部數據」組中,單擊「自文本」。
- Many Practical applications excited us to research speech synthesis,The purpose of this study is to develop a Chinese text to speech system with highintelligibility and high naturalness. 在多方面實際應用目標推動下;受國家自然科學基金資助;開展了語音合成研究.;我們的目標是開發一個高質量的漢語文語轉換系統
- Study on the kinetics of dimethyl ether one step synthesis from syngas. 合成氣一步法制二甲醚的動力學研究
- Speech synthesis module generates speech signals based on the results of PinYin annotation and prosody prediction. 語音合成將字音標註和韻律預測的結果合成出語音信號。
- The info tag can contain anything from text to large block-level elements. info標籤可以包含從文本到大型塊級元素的任何內容。
- Num_chars Specifies the number of characters you want MID to return from text. Num_chars指定要MID從文本中返回的字元數量。
- Aural style sheets use a combination of speech synthesis and sound effects to make the user listen to information, instead of reading information. 聲音樣式表使用了結合演講與聲音的效果來讓用戶可以聽信息而不必閱讀信息。
- Prosodic prediction, which is a process of prosodic chunking, is one of the major factors for the naturalness of speech synthesis. 摘要韻律是影響語音合成自然度的一個重要因素,韻律結構的預測是一個韻律組塊過程。
- Definitely speech recognition and speech synthesis will be the next big advance. 明確的演講承認和演講綜合將會是下個大的進步。
- Speech synthesis Pertaining to systems that produce sounds that correspond to spoken words. 語音作用有關產生和說話相似的聲音的系統。
- Isopentyl lactate was synthesis from lactic acid and isopentyl alcohol in the presence of ferric chloride hex-ahydrate. 在六水三氯化鐵存在下可以由乳酸和異戊醇合成乳酸異戊酯。
- Syllabification is a fundamental step in English Speech Synthesis based on unit selection. 在基於單元選擇的英語語音合成中,音節切分是非常重要的一環。
- These can be much faster than XBIS because they can skip the conversion of binary values to and from text. 這類方法之所以可能比XBIS更快,是因為可以跳過二進位值和文本的轉換。