- We solicit your specific inquiry. 希望接到你們的具體詢盤。
- We shall be glad to have your specific inquiry. 如能得到貴方特殊的詢價,則甚為感謝。
- Quotation will follow upon your specific enquiry. 你的詢問將被記錄在"會員商業電郵"。
- As soon as we receive your specific inquiry, we will cable our quotation. 一俟接到你方具體詢價,我們將電告報價。
- As soon as we receive your specific inquiry,we will cable our quotation. 一俟接到你方具體詢價,我們將電告報價。
- If you are interested in our electronic product,please let us know with a specific inquiry. 如你方對電子產品感興趣,請告知你方具體詢價。
- As soon as we are in receipt of your specific inquiry,we shall send you samples without the least delay. 一旦收到貴方具體詢價,我即寄樣品給你。
- As you know,we are exporting these item to various overseas countries and shall be glad to have your specific enquiry. 如你所知,我司亦向海外各國銷售此類商品,若能收到貴方具體詢盤將甚感榮幸。
- A: That sounds interesting. I'll send a fax home. As soon as I receive a definite answer, I'll make a specific inquiry. 太好了,我會發一份傳真回去。
- We find it regretable that you failed to send us a specific enquiry so as to enable us to make you a firm offer. 很遺憾你們沒有給我們發來一個詳盡的詢盤,因此我們無法發出實盤。
- If you are interested in our electronic product, please let us know with a specific inquiry. 如你方對電子產品感興趣,請告知你方具體詢價。
- As soon as we are in receipt of your specific inquiry, we shall send you samples without the least delay. 一俟收到貴方具體詢價,我即寄樣品給你。
- As you know, we are exporting these item to various overseas countries and shall be glad to have your specific enquiry. 如你所知,我司亦向海外各國銷售此類商品,若能收到貴方具體詢盤將甚感榮幸。
- We find it regretable that you failed to send us a specific enquiry so as to enable us to make you a firm offer . 很遺憾你們沒有給我們發來一個詳盡的詢盤;因此我們無法發出實盤.
- Quotation and sample books will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry. 一受到貴方具體詢價單;我方馬上航空郵寄樣品冊並報價.
- We shall make you our most favorable quotations CFR Lagos upon receipt of your specific enquiry. 因為我們所報價格是很合理的,我們相信這將是你們所能接受的。
- Samples and quotations at favorable prices will be sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry. 一旦收到你方的具體詢價,我們會馬上寄送樣品並報最優惠的價格。
- Quotations and sample Books will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry. 一收到貴方具體詢價單,我方馬上航空郵上樣品冊並報價
- Upon (on) receipt of your specific enquiry, We will send you samples and quotation. 一俟收到你方具體詢盤,我們立即寄送產品樣品和報價。
- That sounds interesting. I`ll send a telex home. As soon as I receive the definite answer, I`ll give you a specific enquiry. 外:聽起來真的很不錯。我馬上發電傳回國。等一收到明確的答覆,我就向你們具體詢盤。