- The plumber made a careful check of the pipes. 管子工對管道做了仔細的檢查。
- Sunday is the best day to check the want ads. 星期天是在報紙上查尋招聘廣告的最好的日子。
- Have you got any rain check for the following game? 你拿到下一場球的免費票了嗎?
- It always pays to give your paper one final check. 寫了東西最後檢查一遍總是有好處的。
- He was careful enough to check up every detail. 他非常仔細,把每一個細節都核對過了。
- Please check up these references. 請核對這些參考資料。
- Carefully check the car being scorched. 仔細檢查過被燒焦了的汽車。
- He predated the check by five days. 他把支票上的日期填早了五天。
- I'll have to check the entries in the ledger. 我得核對一下總帳的項目。
- Is there a place we can check in our coats? 有暫存大衣的地方嗎?
- I accept a check in lieu of cash. 我接受支票代替現金。
- Based on Liu Sola's novella [Blue sky, Green Sea]. 劉索拉編劇作曲,侯德建製作,主要演唱:李丹丹,程琳,劉索拉。
- Don't forget to check on your work. 別忘記檢查一下你們的工作。
- The answer, sola pannels: solar panels. 解決的辦法就是利用太陽能板。
- He went aloft to check the sails. 他上去檢查船帆。
- He filled up the check for$1000. 他開了1000元的支票。
- He says he will check back in half an hour. 他說半個小時後再聯繫。
- Can I pay by check or credit card? 我能用支票或信用卡嗎?
- Check it carefully before you hand it in. 交來之前仔細核對一下。
- The clerk put the check on a spindle. 店員將支票放到扦子上。