- γ-ray spectrometryγ-射線譜測量學
- 目前應用蛋白質組學技術的重要研究工具之一質譜(mass spectrometry,MS)技術研究UPS系統還處於起步階段。The mass spectrometry-based proteomics techniques are powerful tools in the research of UPS.
- Sodium IothalamateMedio-Contrix "38"
- 以碘化丙錠(propidium iodide,PI)結合流式細胞術分析細胞周期分佈情況,AnnexinV-APC/CFSE雙染結合流式細胞術並使用DNA Ladder凋亡檢測試劑盒分析細胞凋亡的情況。Distribution of cell cycle was analyzed by propidium iodide (PI) staining associated with flow cytometry. Cell apoptosis was analyzed by AnnexinV-APC/CFSE double stainging, flow cytometry and by method of DNA Ladder.
- sodium α-toluene苯基乙酸鈉
- β-aescine sodiumβ-七葉皂苷鈉<毛細血管保護葯>
- 方法:採用Daniel方法建立神經元缺氧凋亡模型,加入補陽還五湯藥物血清,應用碘化丙啶(propidium iodide,PI)染色法經流式細胞儀檢測神經元凋亡率,免疫組化法流式細胞儀檢測p53和p21的表達。Methods: The model of hypoxia neuron apoptosis was established adopting Daniel method and treated with BHD drug serum. The neuron apoptosis rate was determined by flow cytometry with propidium iodide staining, the p53 and p21 gene expression was tested by immunohistochemical method with flow cytometry.
- sodium lenicillinⅠ戊烯青霉素鈉
- 方法將燒傷血清和痂下水腫液與人臍靜脈內皮細胞一同孵育12、24 h后,採用Annexin-V-Fluos(A-V)和碘化丙啶 (Propidium iodide,PI)標記內皮細胞,流式細胞儀檢測其凋亡和壞死百分率。Methods Human umbilic vein ECs cultured in vitro and stained with annexin-V-Fluos (A-V) and propidium iodide (PI) were incubated with peripheral blood serum or STF collected from patients with severe burn injuries, and apoptosis and necrosis of the EC were observed by means of flow cytometry.
- sodium lenicillinⅡ青霉素G鈉
- sodium lenicillinⅢ對羥苄青霉素鈉
- sodium lenicillinⅣ庚青霉素鈉
- sodium vandate(Ⅴ)釩酸鈉
- 包殼鎖
- Sodium Penicillin Ⅰ戊烯青霉素鈉, 青霉素F鈉[青霉素類抗生素]
- 本徵根數
- Sodium Penicillin Ⅱ苄青霉素鈉, 青霉素G鈉[青霉素類抗生素]
- Sodium Penicillin Ⅲ對羥苄青霉素鈉, 青霉素X鈉[青霉素類抗生素]
- Sodium Penicillin Ⅳ庚青霉素鈉, 青霉素K鈉[青霉素類抗生素]
- Sodium Tdllurate(Ⅳ)亞碲酸鈉