- I read about the writer's suicide in an evening newspaper. 我是從一份晚報上讀到關於那位作家自殺的消息的。
- I complimented her on her skilful performance. 我欽佩她熟練的技藝。
- Such a book does credit to the writer. 這樣的書給作者帶來聲譽。
- Hundreds of admirers besieged the famous writer. 數百名的崇拜者包圍了這位著名作家。
- In class he descanted on his favorite writer. 課堂上他詳細論述了自己喜愛的作家。
- He is not so much a writer as a scholar. 與其說他是作家倒不如說他是學者。
- She bids fair to be a popular writer. 她很有希望成為一位受歡迎的作家。
- She is the most progressive writer of those times. 她是那個時代最進步的作家。
- The writer is not very good at writing dialogues. 這個作家不太擅長寫對白。
- He aims to be a successful writer. 他的目標是成為一個成功的作家。
- Most writer have been around a lot. 很多作家閱歷甚廣。
- Success as a writer demands great application. 要成為作家就得狠下功夫。
- The new method caught on and many peasants became very skilful at it. 這個新方法很受歡迎,很多農民都掌握得很好了。
- The girl had grown more skilful with the sewing-machine. 那女孩已能更熟練地使用縫紉機了。
- The writer is not very good at writing dialogs. 這個作家不太擅長寫對白。
- She is the most progressive writer of the time. 她是那個時代最進步的作家。
- The writer had great skill in narrative. 這位作家極擅長敘述。
- He is a skilful and effortless mechanic. 他是一位很有技巧、駕輕就熟的機械修理工。
- A dull, pedantic speaker or writer. 學究枯燥而迂腐的講話人或作者
- He is a skilful and effortless player. 他是一位很有技巧,駕輕就熟的運動員。