- His every move was followed by sinister and cunning spies. 他的行動處處受到險毒刁滑的特務的監視。
- The fox is known for its cleverness and cunning. 狐狸的機敏和狡猾是人所共知的。
- He was a sinister and crafty speculator. 他是一個險詐的投機商。
- Shrewd and cunning, often in a humorous manner. 精明機智的精明的和機智的,常用於幽默的行為
- The sinister and vicious robbers kidnapped the professor. 歹毒的強盜綁架了教授。
- His black eyes were restless, sly and cunning. 他的黑眼睛表現出不安、奸詐和狡猾。
- All you needed was luck and cunning and boldness. 只消有點子運氣、狡猾和勇敢,這樣的事情便能成功。
- It took energy and cunning just to survive. 既要花力氣又要有心計才能維持生存。
- All was dark, covert, and cunning, like its owner. 一切都是那麼陰鬱,那麼隱蔽,那麼狡詐,就象他們的主人一樣。
- Their activities are sinister and their designs pernicious. 其事至險,其計至毒。
- He's sinister and ruthless, and has entrapped many innocent people. 他為人陰險毒辣,坑害過很多無辜的好人。
- Li Fucai was sinister and sensuous.He was the cruelest man around. 李富財陰險狡猾,而且希望享受,是遠近最殘忍的人。
- Underneath his politeness, there was deceit and cunning. 在他的彬彬有禮的偽裝下,隱藏著欺詐和狡猾。
- Suggestive of or characterized by expediency, deceit, and cunning. 顯示出或以詭計、欺騙和狡詐為特徵的
- We attribute courage to the lion and cunning to the fox. 我們認為獅子勇敢而狐狸卻狡黠。
- Suggestive of or characterized by expediency,deceit,and cunning. 顯示出或以詭計、欺騙和狡詐為特徵的
- My cute and cunning Holland lop, Kona, is now almost two years old. 我的荷蘭垂耳兔 "Kona" 現在已經快兩歲了, 牠很奸詐很可愛。
- He is sinister and ruthless, and has entrapped many innocent people. 他為人陰險毒辣,坑害過很多無辜的好人。
- What is behind flowery and the purity is the sinister and malicious. 在華麗、潔的背後都是陰險、毒。
- The Aztec spearmen must rely on bravery and cunning to progress up the ranks. 矛兵們身穿輕甲,裝備皮盾,依靠自身勇猛和機智積累軍功,以便出人頭地。