- The process of combining incoming messages into a single message. 將輸入的多個報文合併成一條報文的過程。參閱concentrator。
- It was strange that there's no single message at all. 奇怪,一個簡訊都沒有。
- Transaction support is limited to single message transaction. 事務支持僅限單個消息事務。
- Addition or change to a single field for a single message. 涉及某項單一信息的單個領域的增加或者變化;
- The dialog protocol layer handles reliable, sequenced message transmission. 對話協議層處理可靠的、已編序的消息傳輸。
- And the invention provides one message transmission system and relative device. 本發明還提供了一種消息傳送的系統及設備。
- The process of separating a single message into several messages. 將一條報文分解成多個報文的處理過程。
- The problem of guaranteeing real-time message transmission in LTPB network, linear token passing bus, has been studied. 研究LTPB(線性令牌傳遞匯流排)在通信網路中保證消息實時傳輸的帶寬分配問題.
- This optimization allows the endpoints to establish corresponding RM Sequences with a single message exchange pair. 這種優化允許端點通過一個單一的消息交換對創建響應的RM序列。
- As with the first example, three journal reports were created for the single message. 與第一個示例相同,為一封郵件創建三個日記報告。
- There are similarities between TV's message transmission with its unique artistic representation in critical space and classroom teaching. 電視的信息傳遞功能和獨特的藝術表現性在臨界空間上與課堂教學具有相似性。
- Also condensed this into a single message, so slightly less message clutter than before. 它們會在同一條信息中顯示,所以顯示的信息會變得較整齊。
- The communication between the worktable controlling process and the deformation measurement process is fulfilled by message transmission mechanism. 通過消息傳遞機制實現了工作台運動進程與變形數據採集進程之間的通信。
- Therefore, the recommended practice in the Web services community is to use a single message part with document-style services. 因此,在Web服務方面建議的做法是,對文檔樣式的服務使用單個消息部分。
- We will look at the message overhead, application memory footprint, message transmission times, and relative source code size needed when implementing each of these methods. 我們還要看一下消息的開銷、應用程序的內存佔用量、消息傳送次數及實現這些方法中的每一種所需要的有關源代碼的大小。
- Multiple individual recipients that are included in a single message are logged by using a single message tracking log entry. 單個郵件中包括的多個單獨收件人可通過使用單個郵件跟蹤日誌條目記錄。
- When you link routing groups by means of an X.400 connector, link state information is exchanged between the MTAs as part of typical message transmission. 通過X.;400連接器鏈接路由組時;作為典型郵件傳輸的一部分;鏈路狀態信息在MTA之間交換。
- Thus, von Neumann's proof about message transmission, in and of itself, offers us no assurance that quantum-mechanical nonlocality and special relativity can peacefully coexist. 因此,馮紐曼對訊息傳遞的證明,究其本身,也無法保證量子力學非局部性與狹義相對論可以和平共存。
- On message transmission, the message sending and receiving service across network is completed through programming with winsock on TCP/IP by client -server model. 在消息傳輸方面,應用面向連接的客戶機/伺服器模式,採用TCP/IP協議和WinSock套接字編程,實現消息的發送和接收。
- This is the total number of copies of the same message that were created during recipient resolution to control the number of envelope recipients in a single message. 此計數器是在解析收件人期間為了控制單封郵件中的信封收件人數,為同一封郵件創建的副本總數。