- This paper calculates the silo s dynamic response when foundation moves, taking into account the effect of interaction between the bulk solid and the silo wall. 本文在計算地基運動時筒倉的動力響應時,考慮了倉內散粒體與倉壁的相互作用對其的影響。
- Gusts can cause variations in the test section dynamic pressure, and in the distribution of dynamic pressure across the test section. 陣風會使試驗段動壓和試驗段截面動壓分佈發生變化。
- The Quasi dynamic pressure calibration system is a dynamic pressure generator,used in calibrating measuring device for the pressure in bore. 准動態壓力標定系統是用於膛壓測量器材進行准動態標定的動態壓力發生器。
- The IPMC's dynamic characters were studied also.The result indicated that it can be modeled as a second-order system. 對元件的動態特性進行了研究,使用實驗數據討IPMC元件進行了建模,得到了一個近似的二階系統表達式。
- For the velocity survey the pitot-static tube is moved around the jet, and the dynamic pressure is measured at numerous stations. 為了測量速度,可把皮托靜壓管放在試驗段內各個地方並測量多點上的動壓。
- We analyze concrete』s response to alterative load and impacting load in order realize concrete project』s dynamic monitoring. 5、測試了機敏混凝土結構的動態特性,分析了機敏混凝土結構對交變載荷和衝擊載荷的響應,為實現混凝土工程結構的動態檢測提供了依據。
- The dynamic pressure on pattern wall can reflect indirectly the compaction degree of sand during the course of filling and compaction of sand on EPC. 消失模鑄造干砂充填緊實過程中,干砂對模型壁的動態壓力可間接反映此處干砂的緊實程度。
- The intelligent instrument s dynamic display circuit and program with moving decimal point and blanking invalid zero were discussed in this paper. 介紹動態顯示電路和能夠移動小數點、熄滅無效零的顯示程序。
- Exerting dynamic pressure on the astral body, while in trance, FORCES the energy body to expand and the chakras to open. 對星體軀體施加動力壓力,同時在恍惚狀態中迫使能量身體擴張並打開脈輪。
- Local and transient reconnection in the plasma boundary layer may be caused by impact and sudden stop of the non-homogeneous dynamic pressure. 摘要在非均勻動壓衝擊期間和衝擊突然停止,可引起等離子體邊界層的局部瞬時重聯過程。
- In May of 1953, the balsa wood strips were again removed, and the X-4's dynamic stability was studied in the original flap/speed brake and elevon configuration. 1953年5月,加裝的輕木條再次被移除,人們開始研究X-4「副翼/剎車片和升降舵輔助翼」布局的穩定性。
- Clearing the mind and exerting, one pointed, dynamic pressure on the astral body, forces the reduction of brain wave activity. 排除雜念並集中於一點對星體軀體施加動力壓力,迫使腦波活動降低。
- This research establishes a simplified building-soil system and investigates it s dynamic behavior undergoing horizontal harmonic waves and Chi-Chi horizontal earthquakes. 中文摘要本文建立土壤結構簡化系統,並探討其受水平簡諧波及九二一水平地震作用時之動態行為。
- This ROPE will be used to exert dynamic pressure at a single point on your astral body to force its separation from the physical. 運用這根繩子對你的星體身體在一個點上施加動力的壓力,以迫使它與肉身分離。
- By studying gripper mechanism,s dynamic characteristics carefully, promotes a dynamic model of gripper mechanism and makes an optimazation of its part parameters. 通過對印刷機遞紙機構動力特性的深入研究,提出了遞紙機構分析的動力模型,並對其部分參數進行了優化設計。
- The results indicate that the bearing can construct full oil film lubrication and the dynamic pressure effect improves the bear... 結果表明,該支承可以建立起全膜潤滑,動壓效應的存在提高了支承的承載能力。
- Using EWMA to forecast the portfolio's dynamic transferred variance-covariance matrix, we can get more reasonable and precise dynamic transferred coefficient matrix. 採用EWMA模型預測動態變化的方差一協方差矩陣,從實證的角度得到更精準的動態遷移相關係數矩陣。
- The results show that the type of sensitization agent has a very effect on the desensitization of emulsion explosives under dynamic pressure. 結果表明,敏化劑的類型對乳化炸藥動壓下的減敏作用影響很大,在相同動壓作用后的膨脹珍珠岩敏化的乳化炸藥的減敏程度,大於玻璃微球敏化的乳化炸藥。
- The system is based on a RS422 and USB serial communication bus network, using distributed architecture.It can test barbette" s dynamic performance by serval ways. 系統建立在RS422與USB相結合的通信網路基礎上,採用分散式結構,可針對炮塔進行多項動態性能測試。
- The position of string nock point of recurve can directly affect the archery s dynamic equilibrium and arrow s swing range , its balance and targeting rate. 箭巢位置的確定將直接影響反曲弓的動態平衡穩定性和箭桿離弦后箭桿尾部的擺動幅度,並最終影響箭桿的飛行穩定性和射箭命中率。